GoKunming Forums

Your overall China/Kunming experience?

Napoleon (1187 posts) • 0


Your words don't need to be bent in any direction to fit when you're on one of your rants.

How you could have the gall to say ''Im not complaining'' I don't know.

You're a complainer, simple as. Glass half empty kind of guy. Nothing wrong with that. So am I if truth be told.

However the rants are ad nausium. Just as some posters are predictable in bringing mixian and defending spitting in every post, regardless of subject, so are you in mentioning violence, things that China claim they invented etc. etc.

I'll just highlight a post you made today baying for the wanton destruction of China through pork prices. Perhaps you don't remember these things from one post to another. When someone sees a Dudeson post they can almost guess what will follow - to the word.

It's obvious you have your world here and it ticks enough boxes to justify not leaving on the next flight. You'll have to come to terms with being a moaner. At the moment perhaps you are a moaner in denial which is causing you even more difficulties. If this was the GoMonaco/ GoRio/ GoMilan forum you would still make similar posts, substituting the things you moan about here for something else. No doubt also disregarding fact in amongst your rants.

If this is not you, then it's certainly how you are coming across. Consider that in your next post.

Dazzer (2813 posts) • 0

i think dudeson likes it here, just needs to vent occasionally and gets aggroed with muppets with rose tinted specs

The Dudeson's (1106 posts) • 0

Thank you, that was a really nice post. And yeah, you may be right!

I am not a complainer, in terms that I complain about everything. I hope that has been clear as I complain about the same things over. But I also act upon it. So that may indeed may make me a complainer, but as wall an actor [what?...lol]...

No I have lived in other countries, in Asia, and there was no need. Not that they were perfect, but there wasn't a fake culture, a promotion of lies and BS, and even though some may have come across, by colonist standards as not perfect, but there was consideration of others.

So I am not a child, I know what I get into.

But the whole everything China is great -thing is just plain insane.

I agree with you.

Actually it's coming from a more cynical part of me, seeing all that self-promotion of awesomeness, and then seeing reality in the streets, it kind of funny.

Maybe it's my history, I learned how to fix thing, people complained about something not working, I fixed it. So the first thing to fix something is to realize it's gone bad and it needs fixing, then you find solutions, well maybe not in China.

In my defense though, all posters here are very transparent about what they will post. I totally agree with that, in good and in bad!

For example I have a very clear idea what Alien, OHW, and mickey will post back. At least the general tone of it....

That is quite the fun of a forum, I guess, the same old idiots fighting against windmills.

One-Hit Wonder (89 posts) • 0

Did you just call me an idiot?

Dude, I think you missed an important point from Napoleon:
"However the rants are ad nausium"

ie your posts are nauseating.

mickeyh (119 posts) • 0

Is there, perhaps, some sort of sensible middle ground, between "all of China is a rosey fairyland," and, "all of China is a porcine, hellish wasteland"?

AlexKMG (2387 posts) • 0

If there is, you're not a part of it. Those that are have decided to take a break.

zhudan (204 posts) • 0

@ mickeyh/onehitwonder/mattmiller
"hudan, it is all cultural. The word "barbaric" is very racist and loaded, implying that your culture is the civilised one, and anyone not like you, must be bad"

The United States is superior to China. Absolutely. A few easons come to mind. Better food, like Taco Bell and McDonalds, and people spit less.

I guess less barbaric pigss too. Americans just seem smarter, better mannered and harder working than Chinese people in general. They also bathe more.

Napoleon (1187 posts) • 0

Most of the people on here fall into that middle category.

If that's you then you need not read on. If you are one of the other Viz characters on here then let me offer an insight into how that middle category think.

I am on my way out shortly - for a Subway (I know, I know). Once I leave the comfort of the flat and head into the wilds of Kunming I expect to encounter around 5 things that will annoy me. Annoyance levels will range from mildly irking to outright piss boiling.

Some of these annoyances anyone, Chinese, foreign or extra terrestrial would find outraging. These we can attribute to the great unwashed and are inexcusable if you consider yourself part of the human race and want to elevate yourself from farmyard animal status.

Some will annoy me and most other foreigners but wouldn't even get on the Chinese people's radars. This is cultural.

Some only I and about 5 other people on earth will find annoying. This may be as I'm mental, who knows. It's individual preference and I can do nothing about it.

Where ever you go these three categories will be present. The annoyances will change, the categories won't.

To put the shoe on the other foot, I and the missus went to Europe. I'm guessing most here are European or have an inkling of knowlange about the place.
After a few days we noticed things (negative ones) that would stand out to foreigners and locals. We asked "why is there graffiti over everything regardless of its age/ cultural importance or otherwise." And "why is every other person in a tracksuit."

Then there were things that stood out to her, coming from Eastern culture, that I didn't even register until she said them. "There is nothing to do on Sunday's" and "I need to go to the supermarket but it's 5 o'clock and their all closed." Had points but I dismessed them.

Then there were things that she could justify reviving a slap for even bringing up. "But we are not EU citizens and I am not 20 or under, so we should pay full price to enter the coliseum, why aren't they asking for ID?" And "why are all the pretty ladies not wearing bras?"

Some things were cultural, some were due to the minority who could t function anywhere on earth, and some were things which needn't have even been brought up.

You can't run from annoyances, even alone in the desert being thirsty becomes annoying after a while.

Nowhere is perfect, some places are better than others, but human nature means you'll still moan, but you probably won't take it to an extreame or excuse problems as being quaint and culturally enriching.

Now, next time a thread is started, next time you feel a response raging, don't do what IS one of the problems here and think of yourself over all others - consider the other members of the forum and how they may see it. If you don't, then don't be surprised when people find you an annoyance or a bore.

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