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Anonymous Coward (329 posts) • 0

They're making it easier for Chinese people to buy houses, but that article does not mention anything about foreigners. Besides, if you're not married to a local, why would you even want to buy property in China? For the most part, it's expensive, poorly built, and building management is terrible.

I think it's a bit premature to claim only certified teachers can get jobs, unless we're talking about cities with international appeal. There are hundreds of English schools all over China that pay decently and are willing to take any foreigner regardless of education level, skin colour or native language. So far I haven't seen any evidence that the new policies against non-native speakers have been effective. I work at an international school in Shandong, and 60% of the foreign teachers here are not native speakers. My guess is that they'll still be here in the fall.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0


The article is dated April 10, 2016 and today is May 6, 2016. I think this new regulation will take a little more time (25 days) for it to actually take effect. When? I do not know.

Besides, this is China and every school is going to do whatever they please in spite of any old or new regulations.

My point is that there are now regulations in place to raise the standards of english teachers. Like this regulation limiting non-Native English teachers as well as the crimminal background check. This is a good start and a step in the right direction.

As I mentioned earlier, it is about supply and demand. In areas with a greater supply then the demand (Competition), the new regulations will be enforced sooner. In areas like Shandong, if there is not too much competition (Demand) then the supply can continue to be safe.

By the way, my wife is from Dezhou, Shandong so I am familiar with the area and the demand for teachers is greater then the supply in that area.

Also, I am a non-native English speaker myself and English is my 2nd language. I was not born in the USA but immigated there when I was 6 and began the first grade in the USA.

One-Hit Wonder (89 posts) • 0

Sorry, not sure if this is the right thread or if this is even relevant, but just posting fyi. I think proxy may be needed.

'Whole world should unite to defeat the American invaders and their lackeys': controversy sparked online by 'red songs' at concert in Beijing


laofengzi (376 posts) • 0

Matt is using a proxy and vpn. You can get all his info on whois.net by pasting in his website URL. Name, billing address, hosting registar, hosting server, DNS, and sponsoring registar. Please report him to the psb for promoting the use of proxies and vpns.

One-Hit Wonder (89 posts) • 0

Who is Matt? Me? Haha, you're a damn fool...

And... GoKm is always linking to articles that require proxies.... Have a nice day.

One-Hit Wonder (89 posts) • 0

NO NO! I'm not any of the regular posters. I better stop posting before I get someone kicked out of China.

Ok I admit it. I'm Dudeson's!

The PSB should be contacting you tomorrow Dudeson and will do you a favor by kicking your ass out of here.

Thank me later!

One-Hit Wonder (89 posts) • 0

Why would I be Campo? That's ridiculous. I sound nothing like him. I have sent him a PM if you want proof.

Leave Campo out of this, please. And I'm quitting before I cause any problems to regular posters here.

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