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What's Next?

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

You wouldn't happen to be talking about Monique?
Anyway, I think that more hurdles are going up for us foreigners real soon. Justified or not. I just want to live a hassle-free life here with my wife. If I had the finances I would move to Thailand or Japan.

Xiefei (539 posts) • 0

Back to the original topic, the new NGO law is very similar to the NGO law that has been in effect in Yunnan for many years. I've heard that not everyone in the NGO community is scared of the new law, because while it may add a layer of bureaucratic mafan to NGO operations, it also adds a layer of certainty.

NGOs in Yunnan have been operating under nearly identical regulations for about a decade, and Yunnan is now one of the most active locations for NGOs in China.

redjon777 (560 posts) • 0

@peter99 Have to say slightly pompous kind of up your own a** drivel you've added there but hey if the bandwidths free, why not use it ;o)

It kind of gave me a WTF look while reading which is never a good angle lol.

Napoleon (1187 posts) • 0

It's another of Peter's 'but I needn't tell you all what it means/ what will happen now/ How this will play out' posts.

Perhaps you should tell us this time as you seem to be making these 'in the know' messages more and more difficult to decipher.

One-Hit Wonder (89 posts) • 0

"Perhaps you should tell us this time as you seem to be making these 'in the know' messages more and more difficult to decipher."

He has his finger on the pulse of the future of China because he is a modern-day Nostradamus. He has cryptic prophetic doom and gloom dreams. They aren't always easy for him to decipher, let alone translate for the simpletons.

99 out of 100 of his prophecies do not come true, hence the name Peter99. But still, 1 out of 100 should be enough to frighten you.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0


This is next - Tighten the noose in all areas concerning foreigners entering China.

Pre 2008 Olympics we were welcome because there were not too many of us here.

Post Olympics the floodgates have opened and now there are too many of us here.

This occurs in many other countries so nothing to be worried about. The US plays this see-saw game with Mexico all the time.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

Great question. Ask PSB and the government as they are the ones making all the decisions relating to these topics.

Competition begins when there is more supply then demand - too many foreigners now so they can finally raise the standard(s) for english teachers.

The crimminal background check is another example of competition and how the standards are being raised. What's Next?

Past = Anyone will do.
Pres = Only certified will do.
Future = Only qualified will do.

Get ready to see more regulations regarding home ownership in China - maybe will go the same way as Thailand. I am sure some other folks can think of some other areas that will eventually also be affected.

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