GoKunming Forums

What do you like about China?

Geezer (1953 posts) • 0

There is a poster campaign called "Dangerous Love" (危险的爱情)that appeared in residential communities all over Xicheng in Beijing.

You can't make this stuff up... :-)

JeanDP (77 posts) • 0

HFCAMPO, I have been in China for 15 years, Yunnan for 5 of those. You?

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0

@tallamerican, Shhh! You're not suppose to say you-know-who's name, otherwise you'll bring chaos and misfortune upon us all....UPON, US, ALLLLLL!!!!!

Stephen58 (43 posts) • 0

I like Haali's positives. Would like to drink a coffee with u if possible to discus this and other positives.
I agree with
'I like the way that most women seem to feel safe getting around by themselves day and night. In many other countries this is not the case. I like how public space is vital and used by people all the time. I like the Chinese dedication to bettering themselves through education. I like how old people go out and exercise and socialise rather than rotting in armchairs like many old people in the UK do. I like how parents try their best to give their children the best start in life (though I feel they push too hard in some cases). I like that the essentials of life (food, rent, utilities) are affordable.'

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

Stephen - call me or check your email. My wife will be joining us tomorrow morning - 9am - Green Lake Hotel - Hugo

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