check again, who first used gunpowder in weapons, there is one really scary looking cannon in the museum in seoul. recognized the first firearm/gun/cannon. and if i remember correctly it was used against chinese maroding bandits.
there is also a documentary about claiming that chinese invented powder but didn't use it for arms. until they had to step up to the koreans.
not because chinese wrote everything down, makes them first of inventing it.
pizza, football (soccer), noodles all chinese inventions and when you look at the source it all shambles.
anyway the documentary states that chinese invented the piwder but koreans, or whatever they were called at that time were the first ones to use them.
not because chinese wrote everything down, makes them first of inventing it.
pizza, football (soccer), noodles all chinese inventions and when you look at the source it all shambles.
anyway the documentary states that chinese invented the piwder but koreans, or whatever they were called at that time were the first ones to use them.
so donald napoleon trump, did you check any other data, or are we cherry picking? can't wait to see you being president
The person who you are thinking of is Choe Mu-Seon (1325–1395). He invented 'rudimentary' gun powder weapons to use against the Mongols.
China was using gunpowder in warfare from the early 1200s. They used gunpowder in their wars against the Mongols, who eventually founded the Yuan Dynesty in 1270.
''Archaeological evidence of a hand cannon has been excavated in CHINA dated from the late 13th century and the shells of explosive bombs have been discovered in a shipwreck off the shore of Japan dated from 1281, during the Mongol invasions of Japan.''
Now the founding of that dynasty was 55 years before the founder of Korea's first gunpowder weapon was born.
Also, guess where the plans for the first Korean gun powder weapon came from? China.
They were smuggled into Korea by a Chinese Merchant. Back then the Yuan Dynasty treated the matter of selling or disclosing information of gunpowder or how to control it for weaponry as a state secret, punishable by 'death of 1000 cuts'.
In short - Listen - The Chinese invented gun powder in the 9th century. By the 1200s they were using it as weaponry to fight Mongol tribes, who eventually conquered China. Gun powder as a weapon DID NOT REACH KOREA UNTIL 1300's (The Museum states this itself on it's website and gives the date of gunpowder in Korean warfare as 1357, and was not mastered until 1400's when the first cannon was manufactured for a warship) - History of science and technology in Korea
Right, you were wrong. Can we put this one to bed now?
well then, they must have stolen it from the greek.
what were the other points? person who braggs about something people just take for granted, but really feels all threatened by a person who may shed a new light on an issue?
you must be so proud. for a moment you like...."uh not the chinese?" ..." but that questions my napoloenic let me show you." cute
the best part is that you in trump-ish manner, try to label all my statements as wrong. whats our count now? 2 or 3 on my side vs. double or triple digits on your side? still not bad.
as for you as an american, i thought you were better than that.
i love it though, that you went all the way,reading through seouls boring museum page, just could bragg about it....awesome. yeah i give that one to you....awesone, thanks for the laugh.
so what were my other errors (actually the documentary to be fair), have you checked, what about posting links. ir about my collosal mistakes.....ooopss...weak spot, huh?....too soon?
i like you make me laugh.
ps it still looks bad for china in this competition. they weren' first nor chosen mor the smartest, not the nicest ...i mean "THE WARRING STATES"....doesn't raises red flags.....over milennia...
well, mongols and literally everyone else around china did better....ouch!!!
greeks are noted for inventing powder 600 years before the chinese. knowibg that they love stealing so much, and the silkroad. it's very
Because nothing needs to be said.
really. you are the one shouting so loud....bragging. thats it??
where else have i been wrong? have you answered any of my previous questions yet? come on buddy you made this about my credibility ? about face, we are in china, so we must be chinese,right?
if you want to discredit me, you should try harder. and bragging about something so little, come on. Are you 5?
anyway...chinese think everything belongs to them and that they just a few ten-k years ago just dropped out of the blue sky. which although would explain laziness but we could assume it as impossible. so mongolians did a lot of the work, but that
woudn't sound good. so lets say we,did it and if you disagree we do the ERDOGAN suing everyone or threaten them. lol