GoKunming Forums

Studying Mandarin in Chenggong

Wanna Be Bendi Ren (14 posts) • 0

Hi there,
Am planning on moving to Kunming this summer to study Mandarin and the low cost of Chenggong appeals!

However, does anyone know of any Chinese language schools there? I would need to be able to get a student visa through them too.

I have studied at Guizhou Normal Uni in the past and wasn't really impressed with the teaching so would prefer not to go back to a uni.

Any help would be really appreciatED

Lex_K (4 posts) • 0

I don't know specifically about the school you are talking about, but I've been teaching English in China for ten years, three of which I was also studying Mandarin at Universities.

I can tell you that ALL language education in China is poor and that practices tend to be 10 - 20 years behind the times.

There was student in one of my Chinese classes who had a master's degree in education and was certified to teach ESL who agreed with me.

We are all better off lowering our expectations.

vicar (817 posts) • 0

ALL language education is NOT poor in China, I believe. I doubt the Chinese language has changed at all in the past 10-20 years. And what's a guy with a masters got to do with it? Whats with the lowering expectations negative attitude? Not a good approach is it really? Every student should higher the expectations of themselves if anything. Some Chinese people speak better English than native speakers!

Haali (1178 posts) • 0

You mean NOT ALL, right vicar? Unless you have somehow checked every class in every Chinese school in China.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

I have found that teaching in universities is much of a muchness. It depends what materials they use. If the use the Beijing Language and Culture materials, these are terrible. The Shanghai Normal University texts are better, but the methodologies are the same.
Private schools can freelance their teaching methods which are often much better. However, I am unaware of any private schools in Chenggong.

Alexez (349 posts) • 0

Im not sure if Uni in Chengong provide language ( Chinese ) study . As far as I know there are only BC students ( foreigners I mean ). I know guy who did 2 semesters in old Yunda ( language ) and then signed up for Bc.degree in Chengogng. Once a week He has to go to old Yunda for a some class. So check possibilities first, but if u get in Uni there u get visa also, dont worry.

kingofthekerb (131 posts) • 0

Shifan Daxue, Minzu Daxue, Yunnan Daxue, and Yishu Xueyuan, all in Chenggong, all have chinese language courses. seems like ShiDa would be the way to go

Dazzer (2813 posts) • 0

look at map and find one near the shopping area. or if you like to go downtown 2-3 times a week, find one near a metro station. don't be confused by the address university town. it is frikin huge and some campus are isolated

Wanna Be Bendi Ren (14 posts) • 0

Thank you everyone for putting the time in to respond.

Looks like I'd be best getting a tutor to come out to Chenggong from one of the Chinese language schools which can get me a visa.

Many thanks!

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