In my opinion, giving a few bucks for better parking, or asking your buddy to get good cinema seats, it's something different than getting your given rights taken away, not getting a birth certificate, business license, a rape kit [cos the suspect is an official] unless you call your buddy or pay the 'reddy'
As I mentioned before, China business models are only able to feed desperation. How many businesses did you see that are born on creative products or free
In most western countries, of course there a favours and guanxi, but you also have a chance to go around it. My brother didn't spend money or favours to open his business and getting hispapers.
I disagree with some point on HFCAMPO, although he has a lot of very good points, mobility and globalization. But guanxi will not go away, probably ever, not because Chinese don;t want it to go away, but look at it where does the money and guanxi and favour flow?
It's not the 100Kuai fine corrupt traffic cop. The big ones are all sitting on top and they are running it big scale.
Most Chinese also see guanxi and [false] friendship as status symbol and why would they change? If you could call your buddy to fix your problem in a day, than doing it your own for month and weeks. See preschool licenses, ask any owner how they got their preschool license? You will see.
About the mobility, it would make it easier if people would actually care.
But there are hundreds of thousands of Tsinghua and BeiDa graduates without jobs, not because there is something wrong with their CV but you don't get in without Guanxi. I hired one and what that woman told me is scary.
As I said it is so deep, deeply wanted and appreciated in Chinese culture, that it will never go away!!!
.....unless The state philosophie stears away from confucianism, change towards a state of law [those two things the state will never-ever allow as long as the flag stays red], education, a working system of law-enforcement [at the moment is more like law-favourism].
And heading towards efficiency and effectiveness.
Also it needs a certain amount of FoS, otherwise employees, creative minds, and changers will be still silenced.
From my direct circle of friends, the papers I read it seems that the guanxi, graft and corruption just goes more underground, on big scales it gets worse. On smaller case the payback dynamics change.
But not to be all negative, I would love to see a change, as I said many times, imagine a Utopian China, with order, law, efficiency, balance and harmony. What a f*cking great place that would be...I would never want to leave it for one second. Or not even going that far. Imagine China as a functioning [more or less] state, see Singapore or HK.
So it's all about who benefits from the guanxi and who wants [or not] to change it.