If she's house-trained, free of fleas and been inoculated she'll be more hygienic in a tiny crowded dormitory than a dog.
If she's house-trained, free of fleas and been inoculated she'll be more hygienic in a tiny crowded dormitory than a dog.
if if if.................if it is a pet it doesnt belong in a dormitory, even if it is more hygienic that your average student. since all these recent ads for pet here pet there, is that a trend or a pet shop being sneaky, looking at some of the ads for parrots and puppys i have to wonder
Ha! 'She' is Cynthia. Read previous post.
Seems like your reply to me went over Dazzers head! :-)
" chinese students in kunming keeping dogs, cats,..in dorms" where? which school?
typical thougtlssness, not condider room mates.
@Alexez Keeping animals in dorms aren't all that unusual. I've met some Cambodian guys who had a dog in their dorm in 农业大学, I know some Chinese who keep fish, crabs, shrimp in small aquariums in their dorm rooms, in 师大 I've seen several times Chinese girl taking their rabbits and small dogs outside, leaving them in cages on the lawn and after few hours taking them back to the dorm. In 理工大学 my friend's roommate had a small dog. Just some examples
double post sorry
I don't think Cynthia has had her shots. I hear she is also a biter.
I agree with nnoble. We have a couple pets here that were picked up on a school campus, abandoned by students who got the things no doubt because they looked so cute but then freaked out when they realized they have to clean pee and poo and feed them at least once a day. It was more responsibility than they could handle. The issue seems to be the ongoing selfie ridden vacuous and vapid lives of the native peoples here and not the foreigners here for a year or so.