yeah wtf i know chinese students in kunming keeping dogs, cats, hedgehogs, lizards, squirrels, chipmunks, snakes and/or birds in their dorms...i have nooo idea how they get away with it, but they usually end up getting rid of the critters after a semester ... folly
Yeah Dudesons, any carinvorous species staying in a tiny apartment for most of the day is unhealthy, kind of like, my point. Good on you for saving the cat, though I dread to think how it must have felt spending time with you. I guess it was handed over to its new owners looking slightly perturbed
Well, she [the cat] was pretty smart, so I guess you would have felt uncomfortable around her.
Won't someone think of the children!
Here are the regulations for dogs. I was surprised to see that many breeds are NOT permitted in Kunming although I see many in pet shops, Ma Jie Dog market and in the hands of private owners.
This is about a dog that bit a security guard in a residential quarter.
@alien Well it's a joke so it's no fun to explain. Check this out if u like...
Some of the dogs that are banned on that list are a joke! Pointer, Kerryblue, Bedlington, Dalmatian?? What?
Most cities have a banned dog list and some of the dogs are on the list due to their size. Shanghai worked it out on the average size of an apartment in the city and then decided on dogs that would be too big to live in such a space.
So who is going to "adopt" Cynthia? Do you think she is a keeper?