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New Requirements for Foreign Expert Certificate

Napoleon (1187 posts) • 0

Its only falling in line with requirements that ESL teachers have in other countries.

Except for the Chinese embassy translation that is, usually an apostille suffices.

A good point was raised though, not many people will be bothered to go through all that hassle for the 6,000-10,000 a month dross constantly advertised on here. If they're only after skilled graduates and professionals from a select few countries they'll have to slowly adjust pay accordingly.

Alexez (349 posts) • 0

good news for those who comply with requirements. Less competition, higher salary.Demand / offer. I dont think anybody cares about Chinese parents here:-)

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

Over the last 3 years or so pay has been creeping up, where it had been stagnant for maybe 7 or 8 years before that.
Many schools (not language centres) are offering 10k plus now. Even in Kunming you can get that much or more now as an English teacher. More as a subject teacher.

The Dudeson's (1106 posts) • 0

This is not a regulation (if really put into place) to raise quality. It's to more easily deport foreigners. i guess, the gov. saw how easy it is to get a visa to western countries, how nicely they are treated and finding work there, -that they thought....why not repaying this with the good old chinese way on f*cking with the foreign devil. lol

It will never be enforced, the demand for foreign teachers is far too high to really give a damn about it. or it will be enforced for about 6 month until the owners of EF GREAT edu., NEW ORIENTAL etc. will talk to their gov buddies on the next KTV/ BUFFET meeting... to make sure that they get enough guanxi to go around the law again.
or an important party member's daughter lost her favourite teacher and everything goes back to normal.

there were those new regulation from time to time, just to be canned a few month later. like 2008 Olympic....visa stop for all expats residing in china....thanks to GREAT EDU, that changed while still in progress....

but i love, that the REAL TEACHER who were pointing fingers at others, right here on this platform, because they don't have a college degree or other certifications, whilst these guys were having a teaching unrelated college degree, that made them soooooo qualified to teach!!!!!!! lol

i wonder what their argument is, now.

china has an issue with it's own idea of it's grandieur. what real teacher will choose china? no career chances, shitty pay, no or little benefits, no management skills of superiours, absolutely no or useless training, a messed up, ridiculous education system.

any real career teacher will try a few years at a university in china and move on to a real country where you work actually matters. after seeing this moronic thing called teaching in china.

plus, china is putting up much higher standards than the rest if the world.

as a subject teacher for a private school....or training center,-in most european countries, you don't need a lot of paperwork. any pedagogy certificate proving that you know what you are doing, and proof that you know your subject....thats about it.

last.... most chinese teachers make enough money for a dumb job, or if they are worth it make the same as FT.

my wife hired a girl who was a teacher, doing homework and test prep classes. She made about 5000RMB plus benefits. for a few hours a week.
damn! our security guard in our xiaoqu makes 4000RMB,sitting around, with only one qualification, chain smoking...especially in the elevator.

the best teacher i have ever seen,... Candy, anf despite the stripper name -makes 240RMB per hour, excluding the pay she gets for class prep....and she is damn worth three times as much.

So i agree that local teachers can do.the job. And they probably should because they understand the dynamics of crazy in the education field. the problem is that most customers and school managers want foreign experts, asking for advise- to.ignore it. otherwise they wouldn't know how to get their mianzi and bloated selfesteem in balance with their incompetence.

vicar (817 posts) • 0

Much of what you said is spot on Dudesons though many think they are worth more and some should come off their high horses when it comes to pay (240 x 3 = 720 per hour - come on). These new regulations for foreign teachers could simpy be to sort out the riff raff and provide more local teachers with work combined with a knee jerk reaction to what's been happening in Europe with the migrant crisis recently and can easily turn down teachers from certain regions now

Napoleon (1187 posts) • 0


I don't think it's out of line, it's fair enough to bring in policies which better ensure the people doing the job are the people you want.

It's this way wherever you look, apply for a job in the mid east, or other Oriental countries.

Sure in Europe a candidate (at a language centre, not a government school) could be hired on the strength of their interview, but that would be for a European native. If I were to apply for a EU work permit there would be a raft of paperwork far outstripping what China wants, from qualifications to proof of property and savings overseas, deeds to houses etc.

However, if I was accepted in an EU job I would benefit by a range of social and economic policies that are afforded to those that qualify to work in Great Britain, Germany, Portugal etc, that just aren't on offer in China. So people are willing to jump through hoops to apply for a European job.

In regards to these new reinforcements, there has to be an agreed cut off point. This has meant that people with degrees and TEFLs will have to spend time and money showing they have them, due to years of people with unchecked / bogus documents and untrained people with poor (I'm not sure poor would matter too much here, so let's say they're stark raving mad) classroom behavior, that does't conform to anything leant on a recogised TEFL course.

There's two sides to this coin.

vicar (817 posts) • 0

The thing is Napolean, the economic policies in EU come at a cost and most teachers here say they are better off financial at the end of the day despite the lower salary..e.g, few offer accommodation in EU, many do here

NavyVet (40 posts) • 0

Hey all,

Just sort of browsing this thread and want to clarify that all these new requirements are for Yunnan only or all of China?

My permit does not expire until August so I'm good for now and I do have a real degree, real transcripts, etc but I'd rather just work elsewhere than have to bother with flying home, doing a lot of paperwork and spending more money because, as far as I am concerned, the school or police or whoever could just call my University to verify the validity of my degree.

I like living and teaching in Yunnan but if it's less paperwork to work in another province (or asian country) then there would not be much incentive to stick around Yunnan once my work permit expires.

Haali (1178 posts) • 0

I reckon that many foreigners living in China spend more than Chinese people do because they want to have a good time and know that the money goes further here than in their home countries. I bet that foreigners eat and drink out more than the average local, and spend more on rent. So I would wager that foreigners are better for the local economy than the average local. Would be interesting to see any studies on this kind of stuff. Also, the presence of foreigners acts as an excuse to charge more for English classes or whatever the foreigners are employed to do. I feel bad for hard working locals who get paid far less, I hope wages rise significantly in the future. With China's ageing population, demographics are in favour of paying the young more as they are better educated and have more responsibility than ever.

vicar (817 posts) • 0

wages will increase for local teachers I'm sure especially as the fad for a western face in the school is now dwindling. Students and English training schools will benefit from the increase in good long term local teachers and decrease in standard westerners that can only stay for 6 months - 2 years. The result will be lower turnover of staff and less outgoings for the school. Look at the biggest schools in the area New Oriental and Henderson - how many western faces do you see though they have the means to employ them. Long term relationship between student and teacher highly valued in China and parents are getting wise to the fact the westerner can be gone in a second

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