Just curious, is it true normally western people find Asian women with long and straight hair better than wavy?
Just curious, is it true normally western people find Asian women with long and straight hair better than wavy?
I don't know about others, but I'm white and I prefer Asian girls with straight hair. If it's long or short it doesn't matter much.
I'm not sure, but for me it's important that they not worry about it too much.
I like older village women with spiky Joan Jett hair and who wear fetish foot wear and black metal t-shirts that say Lucifer 666 on them. I also like them to be carrying a lattice bag of produce on one hand and gnawing on a chicken foot in the other. I in Heaven in Kunming!
hmm interesting specific description..
On the funny side, I have a chinese friend who was also my co-teacher and she has curly hair, she once told me this: -Damn, I'm chinese but I don't even have the straight hair that's the only good thing about the Chinese.
Lol, I guess it doesn't matter what hair, skin, or height you have, try to keep a high self-steem because there's always someone who's gonna like you the way you are. All women have a steem problem, including gorgeous women, and this is not attractive.
Straight, thick and long definately. The color doesn't matter as long as it's not dyed.
Curly looks cheap and poorly maintained, and short just looks angry.
haha, thank you everybody, for sharing the thoughts
I for example have absolutely no preference for hair. I just like it natural, curly, wavy or straight, I couldn't care less.
Also I find short hair quite attractive. But that goes for all girls, Western or Asian.
a lot of asian girls with straight hair actually have wavy/fuzzy hair and have it straightened - just check out some old photos! Current fashions plays a role in preferences. A tight perm used to do it for me