GoKunming Forums

Women with straight or wavy hair?..

Ruiqiu (8 posts) • 0

Just curious, is it true normally western people find Asian women with long and straight hair better than wavy?

SpartansSpartans (184 posts) • 0

I don't know about others, but I'm white and I prefer Asian girls with straight hair. If it's long or short it doesn't matter much.

zhudan (204 posts) • 0

I like older village women with spiky Joan Jett hair and who wear fetish foot wear and black metal t-shirts that say Lucifer 666 on them. I also like them to be carrying a lattice bag of produce on one hand and gnawing on a chicken foot in the other. I in Heaven in Kunming!

SpartansSpartans (184 posts) • 0

On the funny side, I have a chinese friend who was also my co-teacher and she has curly hair, she once told me this: -Damn, I'm chinese but I don't even have the straight hair that's the only good thing about the Chinese.

Lol, I guess it doesn't matter what hair, skin, or height you have, try to keep a high self-steem because there's always someone who's gonna like you the way you are. All women have a steem problem, including gorgeous women, and this is not attractive.

hehehe (27 posts) • 0

Straight, thick and long definately. The color doesn't matter as long as it's not dyed.

Curly looks cheap and poorly maintained, and short just looks angry.

The Dudeson's (1106 posts) • 0

I for example have absolutely no preference for hair. I just like it natural, curly, wavy or straight, I couldn't care less.

Also I find short hair quite attractive. But that goes for all girls, Western or Asian.

vicar (817 posts) • 0

a lot of asian girls with straight hair actually have wavy/fuzzy hair and have it straightened - just check out some old photos! Current fashions plays a role in preferences. A tight perm used to do it for me

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