Can I just go to any bank, with just my passport, and exchange USD to RMB?
Can I just go to any bank, with just my passport, and exchange USD to RMB?
Can you please answer this question honestly - Have you been in Kunming (China) for a short time or a long time? Example of how long - 2 months, 1 year, etc.
Campo, just help or shut up.
I have been in Kunming several months. Why?
Alien - who do you think you are to tell me to shut up - how about observing the forum rules.
I even gave an example - how many months - I have no clue what several means to you. Is several 3, 4, 5 or 6 - I have no clue.
Question was: Why?
You are not him so keep out of it busy body. I will answer when he gives me a clear reply. Mind your own bizness -
My God, these forums are filled with people who seem to only want to bicker, fight, and insult. Can anyone just answer my question please?
I ask because you do not seem to know how to use the Search bar on this forum. Also, because sometimes your replies seem like you have been here for a long time and other times your replies seem like you just got off the boat. Other times you seem to be purposely vague. This is why I asked.
My question is yes or no. Not everyone wants to spend time reading a long list of forum posts and replies. The reason forums exist is for human interaction. Can anyone please just tell me yes or no?
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