GoKunming Forums

Daily transportation to accommodation in hills

munken83 (27 posts) • 0

Hi there

My wife, child and i are moving to the hills. 40 min in car from yunnan university. App 20 km of which 8 are direct uphill. What transportation would you recommend me for going to yunnan university everyday ? I will buy a car, but i dont want to drive in car everyday to yunnan uni.

MC: I wanted to take a drivers license test for mc, but as my home country does not allow me to drive small mc on car driver license, i dont think i can get mc driver license in china just by taking a theoretical test. Am i wrong? What are the requirements for completing a full mc driving license (classes etc)?

E-bike: i am a little bit sceptical with this sollution due to the 8 km direct uphill ?

Bike: the sollution i am leaning towards. Good excercise but also time consuming and and mayba a littlebit exhausting in thr long run.

Other transportation options?

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

Where are you moving to? Isn't there bus service? Which Yunnan University campus will you be going to?

munken83 (27 posts) • 0

I will move to xishan and attend classes in old cambus near green lake. No busses close and also want to get to yunda by myself

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

I live in XiShan - can you be more exact where you will live. How about a name of a cross street or village or residential quarter.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0


Administrative divisions - Majie, Jinbi, Yongchang, Qianwei, Fuhai, Zongshuying and Xiyuan Sub-district Offices. Also Biji Town, Haikou Town and Tuanjie Town.

San Jia Cun - Qi Pan Shan (Chessboard Mount) is located in Xi Shan District in Tuan Jie Town. The road to get you into downtown must pass by Bamboo Temple and Jiao Ye Park. I will get you some rural bus numbers tomorrow.

I do not know who told you that this is a 40 minute drive. This is a 1.5 - 2 hour drive by car so get ready. Between Bamboo Temple and Qi Pan Shan there is a nasty cobblestone road (about 1-2 km), the rest is well paved. Elec Bike will NOT work for you and you can NOT drive a motorcycle into downtown so a car is the only option you have left. Keep in mind what happened to Lance Armstrong for riding a bike too long.

District Level Sites - www.gokunming.com/[...]

# 16, 17, 18, 19 are all in Tuan Jie Town.

Provincial Level Sites - www.gokunming.com/[...]

City Level Sites - www.gokunming.com/[...]

Dragon Gate - Long Men - Western Hills - it goes by many names - is located in Biji Town.

Temples in Xi Shan District - www.gokunming.com/[...]

I do not know how long you will be in Kunming but your only salvation will be when Line 3 of the subway opens. It goes as far as Biji Town and from there you can get to downtown a little faster.


This map only shows as far as Zhizui but Line 3 will go as far as Biji Town - directly in front of Dragon Gate Park. I live in Mian Shan (2 stops) and bus 101 takes me 30-40 minutes to get to the University on 121 (Yi Er Yi) Street.

munken83 (27 posts) • 0

Thank u for your indepth response.
I have driven to 三家村 myself by car from yunda. Only 45 minutes. Straight through 人民西路, left at 眠山 and then right to 马街中村 where the entrance to 棋盘山 is。from there its app 10 km to 三家村 of which 6-8 are uphill. At baidu maps its quite easy to see the road. Very few busses (if any) go directly from 马街中村 to city center and no busses from 马街中村 to 三家村。 Dont want to use to much time traveling, which is why i would prefer driving on my own.

Do gas driven scooters require mc driver licence? I am looking forward to the metro! When is it expected to open?

I am aware of vehicle restrictions within second ringroad. I will have to work around that.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

I live directly between the Mian Shan Subway Station and the Ma Jie Subway Station. Neither of them are visible as of yet. I will report back when I see them pop up. I really hope it will be soon.

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