GoKunming Forums

Girl Scout Troop

YuriCoach (46 posts) • 0

Scouts are not illegal, there are several troops in Shanghai and Beijing as well, of course, only foreigners are allowed to join. Any idea how to contact any Young Pioneers leader Tommy ?


tommy fartknocker (28 posts) • 0

YuriCoach, I apologize that I was being sort of tongue-in-cheek. Young Pioneers is the Communist youth group that all Chinese children are automatically members of.

tommy fartknocker (28 posts) • 0

Alien, as far as I know, they must be inducted and "join", but in reality, I think everyone ends up being inducted.

YuantongsiYuantongsi (717 posts) • 0

With the Young Pioneers the 'best' of the class is invited to join first with a special ceremony. After Mayday then all kids are 'joined'. If you don't wear a scarf to school then the kids are in trouble, but don't worry there will be more entrepreneurial kids who sell scarfs outside the school door.

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