GoKunming Forums

Is there anything the Chinese won't copy

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

Something tells me that Captain America is not new here. He's probably one of the previous now defunct poster or a troll. What do you guys think?

Hotwater (205 posts) • 0

Typical republican response. If someone doesn't agree with you then you accuse them of hating freedom. Surprised you didn't call me a commie loving socialist!

bb4l78@gmail.com (35 posts) • 0

@HF: I can assure you that it is not me... already time-consuming enough posting here. And i'm glad that i dont experience a dissociative identity disorder! But if so, i would have chosen the nickname ADOLF.

chris8080 (226 posts) • 0

Don't forget about the British! Remember we invented America, and no other country has influenced the course of humanity as much. Even now Britain is still punching well above it's weight in the fields of science and technology, literature, art, trade, banking and finance. I'm not a nationalist by any measure but there are many points on which I can say I'm proud to be British, and am glad not to be from the colonies.

Coming back to the point, I often think that the reason China seems only able to copy and is so weak at coming up with it's own innovative products (particularly compared to Japan) is because of the education system, which stifles creativity. The children in school here only learn to copy and are not allowed to question the teacher or think independently. And 12 hours of school a day leaves little time for play - which is essential for a child to develop his/her creative abilities. Very sad.

yankee00 (1632 posts) • 0

It's supposed to be: "no other country has harmed the course of humanity as much".
Most evil empire ever? Very likely. Built their economy from looting, slavery and polluting the whole world? Not something to be proud of.

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