HI EVERYONE. I am Rio, I would like to know some address on where to find or buy electric cars or make one myself( good workshop) . Any idea on which Chinese brand would be best to use for about 2 years. or Any idea if there is any hybrid bikes. or hybrid small 2 sitter cars ( not including the SMART hybrid car," its too expensive" ) I just lost my Ebike by XITE and I need an alternative. Thanking you all for your advice and suggestions.
Do you mean the 3-wheel ones? Apparently those are illegal to drive. You'll have to check to make sure.
Look and ask around the Xichang Lu/Jinbi Lu intersection. Lots of small electric vehicles there.
You'd likely need a permit if you were to build you own vehicle.
There are plenty of elect Trikes and cars. The problem is that although there are many to choose from Kunming has many restrictions on owning and operating them. You must be absolutely sure before you buy so you need to check with police to make sure it is legal.
We wanted to buy one but ran into many obstacles here in Kunming - hope that changes soon.
There are lots of restrictions on the three and four wheel variety.
Also, any "hybrid" scooter, i.e. anything with a gas engine, will require a Chinese driver's license with a motorcycle endorsement.
@yankee00 I mean 4 wheels.but 3 wheels will also do.
@HFCAMPO by elect TRIKES you mean?. but i Hope it will be legal. Keeping my hopes high.
@Xiefei But i dont know where to get the HYBRID scooter .I have searched in the XIchang lu and Jinbi Lu cross road.
Thank you all for your advice I didnt know they were illegal.