GoKunming Forums

1 Yuan Bill - Interesting!

The Dudeson's (1106 posts) • 0

I understand it's a heated debate but the part you wrote...

-If I had to start again with just my children and my wife Id like to do it in Nazi Germany in 1939 where it is safer than the USA!-

It's quite offensive, to all the people who suffered under the NAZI regime, including parts of my family. Most important it's historically inaccurate. It was a lot, but, 'SAFE', is not one of it.

Furthermore all your anti-US sentiments seem to be mostly financially motivated.

Even the Russian and other countries competing in the race for space, that there is proof that we went to the moon.

Plus most of the conspiracy proofs have been scientifically proven as bogus, by many organizations, even not in favor of the US.

So let's assume we really went to the moon. Didn't even the Chinese confirm, that's.

About the WTC, ask any architect or engineer, and ask them about the WTC conspiracy, they will tell you that it's very plausible for the speed of collapse, the temperature for steel to loose all it's static benefits, the 'explosions' many people have seen, etc. Most actually say that a normal building demolition, even when going wrong, looks much more suspicious, than the collapse, of the WTC.

I have two architect friends and it was all they talked about for a long time, it was studied when one of them was still in college. And data was shared worldwide, it seems to be a very normal collapse when 2 fully fueled, heavy civilian air-crafts, hit a non-moving structure, with high velocity. Actually many say it's a miracle they lasted that long before collapsing.
But I guess if you want to see, what you wish to see, there is nothing, to change that.

For the poster with the moon photo, HD quality issue.
The reason for the low quality pictures is simple. Most pictures used, are still from decades ago. IF you want to see the latest HD quality images, check the Curiosity mission photos, or the one from the probe to the comet.

Even if you take photos now, say standing on the moon, the lighting is insane. Depending where you stand on the moon. And either way takes a lot of prep or post processing. I think a photographer could explain that more detailed.

Try to take a photo like that, at your home, with lighting conditions like,the moon, earth and sun, with 1960's technology.

Back on topic.
I have seen tons of bills like that, with religious messages or just rants about the gov. Also on varieties of bills, but rarely in anything higher than 5 kuai bills.

The Dudeson's (1106 posts) • 0

I also don;t get that America-mania. If the place is so terrible and so much trouble, why is there so much ignorance and so little knowledge about any other place on earth, from so any [but not all] American.

Every forum it's about America bad, America good! Dude I hope Americans are not like that in their own country.

There are a dozen better places, and dozen worse places. So who cares about the US?

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

I say Potatoe, you say potato.

You can continue your long rants with the other Master deBaters. I am just here for the entertainment. Plenty of Master deBaters to choose from who can make the illogical seem logical.

The other day I was cooking at home and the steel burners on the stove melted because I had the flame on too high. Really scared the heck out of my wife and I. Thank goodness I purchased a fire extinguisher a few months back.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

A man goes into a shop and asks for a loaf of bread. The shopkeeper asks, 'Brown or white'. The man replies, 'It doesn't matter, I've got my bike outside',

yankee00 (1632 posts) • 0

I don't get it...

@HFCAMPO, have you tried jet fuel instead? It doesn't even melt steel beams.

Napoleon (1187 posts) • 0

Scientific tests show some species of head-lice are now resistant to the usual medical treatments.

The results have doctors scratching their heads.

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