When I was in Laos there was a big traffic jam in the middle of one of the streets that never has any traffic. I jokingly told my wife, It must be a Kunming driver here in Laos. Low and behold, when we got to the the traffic jam, there is a moron with a Kunming License place making a 78 point U-turn in a tiny street in Laos.
Does anyone remember the video of the driver who drove up onto the pedestrian overpass here in Kunming. Please post the link here if you remember.
Flash player/shockwave player is up-to-date and enabled... VPN on... still not loading.
Alright got it now in Chrome browser. Definitly looks like something jammed the throttle. So more like an accident then a bad driver, but cold have used the brake pedal though. The guy who lost his bike is soooo lucky, looks like he did not realize what's going on for the first seconds. Change the movie to b/w and play faster, will look like a funny movie from the 1920's. ;)
That was some nimble movement from the bike rider!
@Daithi. Understood man. I was mostly using my reply to get in 'she' quotations :) Though I am truly saddened by the death of that poor bicycle.
@AlexKMG :) All good bicycles go to heaven.
my bike is a sinner and going straight to bycycle hell. oh my! it thinks it is here already
The biker was also at fault, standing way too far in the intersection. Should've waited near the boardwalk.
He was indicating the turn so why nobody stoped?? :-))))
Wow, now they are decreasing the width of zebra stripes... it's getting safer in KM.