Few questions regarding to the written exam.
At Kun Ming is it possible to sit the test in English langauge?
What is the address and the department called where it takes place?
Few questions regarding to the written exam.
At Kun Ming is it possible to sit the test in English langauge?
What is the address and the department called where it takes place?
The theory test is not a written exam but a multiple choice answer test you complete on a computer.
You can take the test in Kunming.
Yes, you can take it in English here. You will need a Chinese name and you will be asked to write it several times on various forms during the test procedure. details of how to get to the test centre are here www.gokunming.com/[...]
I took a taxi from the Erji lu subway station. The taxi wouldn't wait but there were motorbikes and black taxi's outside anyway.
translation costs Y50 now and you can take the test on any day.
I had met some foreigners in the center, they were tested with english paper. I used my Sudan drive license to apply for a Chinese one,and I was just asked to pass the write exams, after I passed it at the result of 90+ points in exam, got a Chinese one
Cool, by the way how can i get my Chinese name?
Chinese name: Ask any Chinese person to give you one, show you how to write it in Chinese, and tell you how to pronounce it. You'll need a Chinese name anyway if you're going to live here.
There are many internet sites (in English and other languages) that can help you choose a name.
Many foreigners like to choose names, based on something that sounds close to their english or other language name - as in Walmart, KFC, etc. Websites abound - just type in your english name et voila - chinese sounding english/french/italian/german/spanish etc names. After the website gives you your chinese name - you should reverse translate the names to understand their separate and combined meanings - just in case it's derogatory or has a negative colloquial meaning in Chinese (ask friends also).
OR you can do what many Chinese do when they change their birth names - choose a "styled" name. Styled names can be based on your short, medium, or long-term goals in life. For example if you want to be prosperous, you'd add characters of gold, silver, or forests (lots of trees can also mean prosperity or alternately, you're a complicated person, because you're a person with many "trees").
Severely off-topic for the driver's license exam perhaps...
Hey thanks alot fellas for that excellent informational support!