GoKunming Forums

Chinese woman pays to rescue 100 dogs from Yulin

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

@Dazzer: You got a point there, man - although, actually, I have thought about transportation - wheat, to places where there isn't any, is one thing; luxury goods to play with is another.

Division of labor among those who think is as practical as division of labor in the market, with meat sold in butcher shops - though at some level you got to keep these folks under control, cuz they're all encouraged to have personal interests that, in a competitive society, are not necessarily yours.
However, just because you can't think of everything is no reason not to think of what you can, because we all inevitably cause trouble, and what goes around, comes around. Perhaps might help to stop one of those guys who, for some reason, is shooting at you - hey, you might even be - er, relatively - innocent!
No guarantees - best of luck to everybody, all around. Hope the dogs do well.

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