GoKunming Forums

Return air ticket required for L-visa?

flyingeggplant (18 posts) • 0

I've been able to get tourist visas for travel to Kunming in the past without having to have a return air ticket, but I'm wondering if this is still the case. Last time was in 2009. Thoughts?

mPRin (821 posts) • 0

I had to provide 'air ticket' OR 'proof of funds' I chose 'proof of funds' For this you need 100USDollars per day for the length of your visa. Standard 30 days. At the time 2 years ago it was 18,000 RMB.

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

Were you coming from Hong Kong? The folks at the PRC visa office in HK pulled this one on me in 2009? or so - anyway, whenever it was they had the huge Shanghai Expo - I got around it by going to a smart travel agent, who got me around it with no trouble, then I took the train from HK to Guangzhou & then train from there to KM, no hassle. This hasn't happened to me since - perhaps has something to do with the Kunming Expo?

Hotwater (205 posts) • 0

If you were married to a PRC national you'd more than likely apply for a family visit visa, not a tourist visa.

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