GoKunming Forums

Romantic places in Kunming?

arm1tage (1 post) • 0

I will be proposing to my girlfriend and would like to get any opinions on where/how to do it. Ideally it would be near Cui Hu and more or less private (i.e. not in the public park area). Love to hear your thoughts!

chris (144 posts) • 0

the moonlight corner thai restaurant near cuihu could be good, but i'd recommend watching the sunset from the expo garden moonlight corner's deck/balcony... you could probably talk to the management and get something special arranged. you can contact them at www.moonlightcorner.com/en/expo/contact/

good luck!

Danmairen (510 posts) • 0

Kundu at 4 AM in the morning. You'll be hardpressed to find a more romantic spot. I'd go for Mix and the good ol' ring-in-the-champagne-glass approach. Just make sure none of the beer chicks are around or you might have to spend 12-24 hours in the bathroom stalls to recover the ring. Mazel tow!

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