GoKunming Forums

Looking for work in Kunming

Profeszor (1 post) • 0

My wife and I have been interested in teaching english in Kunming for some time now and are looking for teaching/tutoring positions. We have years of experience volunteer teaching here in the US and would love to live and work in China teaching. My wife has completed her bachelors degree but I have not (I will be finished with my degree online in December). We have been offered jobs in other parts of China but have turned them down for either low pay or bad location. We are looking to move out to Kunming in July and are continuing to look for work. If anyone represents a school or knows of any schools who will hire two teachers and provide us with housing, let me know thank you
- Robert

darkone264 (108 posts) • 0

there are many schools in kunming that are looking for teachers.

please note to get a work visa you need to have a bachelors + 2 years working experience after you have finished your degree, working on a none work visa is illegal and if you are caught you will be deported/fined, there are people (many people who do work with out a working visa but there is risk) to be honest the PSB doesn't often check unless you give them reason to

AlPage48 (1394 posts) • 0

You have been offered jobs in China? Hmmm, was that through an agency?

My niece and her boyfriend both had job offers via an agency, then when they applied for work visas he was turned down because he did not meet the qualifications.

Agencies will not bother to check qualifications and some schools seem to be totally unaware of them.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

I am pretty certain that the reason you have been offered work that is 'low pay or bad location', is because you are not qualified.
There are plenty of other countries in Asia that would accept you legally, and you can get your 2 years experience in those countries. Then come to China to work legitimately and try to find a good employer.
There is a bit of a romanticised notion about coming to work in China. There are some Chinese employers who can be ruthless and mercenary. If an employer ignores Chinese immigration and work visa regulations, that should be a red flag. There are many horror stories. Just do some google searches.

Haali (1178 posts) • 0

You can easily fake 2 years experience by writing it on your resume. As for degrees, its pretty easy to buy fake certificates, though illegal in most places. Ergo the regulations are meaningless. As long as you are white, you'll have no trouble getting a job. I welcome crap, unqualified teachers, it makes the good, actually qualified and non crazy people such as my self more of a premium.

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0

@Haali That is, until you have sit on the other side of the interview table. The number of crazy people you to sit through to find that one hire-able candidate would make you want to rip your eyes out

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

With fake certificates, you would be easily made out. The only people who would take you on would be desperate or totally not knowing what they are doing. More red flags.

Amylaura (27 posts) • 0

Can't be worse than some of the Chinese teachers I have helped interview for jobs since I've been here. Actual interview answers included: I don't want to be a teacher, my parents do. I prefer to be a teacher because I don't want to work outside and get dark skin. I have no experience with young children but they're just cute. I want to work for this school because I heard the salary is good.

And the person they hired gave one of those answers!

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0

@Amy, but those are the stock, acceptable answers that interviewers are looking for. LOL

And you forgot: "I want to be a teacher because teachers get two long breaks each year" and (for training schools or international programs) "I'm looking for a foreign husband so I can go abroad and have a cute 'mixed-blooded' baby"

Back to the OP, what major is your wife?

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