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Obama the dictator

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

what a stupid name for a web site - prison planet.

it's not that bad. it's not that bad. it's not all doom and gloom.

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

I think it's a clever name. Most of us don't realize that we are in a prison and the warden is the government.

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

no, it's only clever in that it creates a false excessively pessimistic vision of reality. and that's what alex jones is all about. his goal is to make people afraid, pessimistic, and cynical about life.

'prison' implies that you have NO freedom. you have some freedoms restricted, but still a lot of freedom in many areas of your life.

so what if you're forced to vote? it takes half an hour and happens once in a blue moon. is someone forcing you to choose a career you don't want?

and regarding prison guards, try to imagine a society with no control whatsoever. you wouldn't be able to walk down the street without getting raped, mugged, and molested.

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

"so what if you're forced to vote?"
Wow! I can see why people don't love 'ya on here.

There was a time when we had fewer prisons. There was a time when community police the neighborhood. There was a time when the police was part of the solution and not the problem. Those things can happen again not buy voting Democrat or Repubican but by holding accountable whoever chooses public service. Like I said Obama wants to be king and dictate to his servants.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

What amazes me is how much GMO has come to China in the last few years. This machine is truly evil.

I tried to plant some sunflowers with seeds but they no longer germinate.

I had to go to Dali to get some seeds that will grow. Few people do not realize the ultimate goal of all GMO foods, that is to own all the food - total control of people.

Monsanto has sued and won many cases against small farmers and put them out of business.

If a GMO seed goes into your farm, you can no longer save your seeds and your entire farm is becomes GMO and owned by Monsanto or you can destroy your entire crop and pray that no GMO seeds are left behind. Monsanto sends spies in to check your farm without asking, if one GMO plant is found, you are guilty and will be sued.

Terminator seeds are now here in China. If you try to plant them, they just wont grow - you must go to buy more seeds because the seeds in the plant dont grow. We are witnessing the beginning and the end will also be here in our lifetime, at least mine because I am only 51. SAD!

Liu - you are beating your head agaist a brick wall - they just dont get it or just dont care.

If the book has no pictures, they will not pick it up and read it, if the news is not regurgitated or requires critical thinking, they just dont care or dont want to hear it.

No one here asks questions - they just spew their opinions. No asks why do you think this way or why do you beleive such and such.

They have no interest in learning because their minds are already closed - the cognitive dissonance is too much for them to bear so they just bury their heads in the sand and HOPE it will all go away on its on.

The more ridiculous thread I create, the more replies it will get - but mention a topic that has merit and you will be ridiculed and no one bothers to comment anything worthwhile.

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

How did we get from voting to GMOs exactly?

But if you weren't allowed to vote, you'd be complaining that you were in a dictatorship. Now, USA is supposedly a democracy, but nobody exercises their right to vote. Ok, I get it. Both parties suck. But what has NOT VOTING accomplished exactly? Aren't you encouraging a dictatorship by not voting?

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

There is this illusion that voting changes things in government when in fact it doesn't for the most part. The bigger the government the less voting has an affect. All presidents are puppets for the rich and powerful. The American government is TOO BIG. It's no longer by the people and for the people. That's why voting in general won't matter IMHO. It each their own. Here's a question for you. What if you don't like either of the parties but you are force to vote anyway? If in the future they want to 'force' you to vote, there better be a ' none of the above' option.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

Jeb or Hillary - take your pic - thats all you get - all other candidates will become invisible - regardless of how well they do.

The reason for this mandatory voting is because people are waking up and no longer participate - and you can not have a president when there was only a 5% turnout - so they will force you to pull the lever!

debaser (647 posts) • 0

so let me get this straight... some Americans (and people of some other nationalities) want the 'freedom' to elect a leader but don't want to be told to vote. They want the freedom to own and carry guns but not crime (which is often firearm related). They want a good and fair healthcare system but refuse to accept that all social classes deserve access to it. I must be missing something here. instead of rubbishing everything why not enlighten us with a solution.

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