GoKunming Forums

Nasty Habits

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

Just my humble opinion. I think always finding fault with things gets tiring and alienates. Do what works for you.

nnoble (889 posts) • 0

Nasty habit: Winding up Noddy, Neddy, thingy, just for entertainment.

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

@Campo: I agree, everything within your perimeter is indeed your responsibility, but your perimeter intersects those of others at some point so that much of it is within their perimeter too, they may have different ideas about responsibility, and unless they've elected you General it's a good idea to work out what the responsibilities are collectively. IMHO.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

The only exercise some people get is jumping to conclusions. Always ASSume!

Example - I am walking down a street during a rainy day when I see a typically thin chinese girl trying to pick up her scooter which was on the road. No one who walked by even attempted to help her. Because I see her and I care, I walk across to help her pick up her scooter. For some reason she was not offended and she said thank you. She was not bothered by our perimeters intersecting at that point in time.

Now according to Neddy and a few other morons, I should not interfere in her life although she is in my perimeter for the moment.

With every word you write on this forum the more you make yourselves look more and more ignorant.

neddy (277 posts) • 0

HFCAMPO, in my opinion, it is all about discernment, and choosing one's battles.

If I saw a young girl struggling with a scooter, I would help too. If I saw someone being mugged, etc., I would call the police too. Those are universal good deeds.

But if my neighbor puts his or her trash outside of the door for the time being, because climbing 8 flights of stairs multiple times just to throw bags out the very second they are tied, I will mind my own business. That is his or her home, and priority to decide what to do.

Likewise with cultural things: Chinese medicine teaches that it is bad to hold waste products inside (which it is). So if someone spits on the street, I accept it as cultural. Hell, I do it too now.

Another category of things are cultural, even though they may technically be illegal: for example, my bus driver this morning blew his horn in a "no horn blowing" zone. I am not going to write an angry letter and get him fired. That is just obnoxious.

Moreover, Chinese *culture* believes that human relationships, and harmony among communities, are more important than the letter of the law. I know that Westerners (especially in the US) believe that the law supercedes everything else, but that is merely cultural. One cannot go around imposing his cultural beliefs on others, especially in other cultures.

So there are different categories of "controlling one's environment".

P.S. To the people calling everyone a "troll", I do not think that word means what you think it does. A troll is someone who posts outrageous things purely to get a reaction and to laugh about it. You seem to think that "troll" means "anyone who disagrees with you or has a strong opinion." Sorry, but you are mistaken.

nnoble (889 posts) • 0

Neddy, Noddy, Nine Names. Individuals put bags of food waste outside because first, for whatever reason it's not convenient to dispose of them properly. Secondly, the bags are dirty and stink and not nice to keep inside the house so they take the easy option and dump them outside where they leak and attract vermin. That now becomes a communal health hazard and a fair target for intervention. Nothing cultural about this since the majority act responsibly. Are we to assume you are now the defender, not only of rip-off merchants but inconsiderate lazy bastards as well?

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