GoKunming Forums

Planting trees in Kunming

Thess (1 post) • 0

I have seen commercials for this event and also heard a lot of people talking about it. But it seems that there is no real organization of it, just primary students or workmates do it together. Does anybody know how to participate as a single person?

Otto Melon (46 posts) • 0

I do my bit by throwing my apple cores out of the window of the bus. Not sure how successful it is though. E-bike riders keep getting in the way.

AlPage48 (1394 posts) • 0

Before planting trees you have to find a suitable location. Look for a sidewalk that does not have any obstruction, then dig up the pavement right in the middle to plant your tree.

Anonymous Coward (329 posts) • 0

If this is anything like the tree planting event in my city then the holes have already been dug, and the trees already prepped and moved into place. Basically just a photo op. If anyone actually goes I'd be really curious to know the details.

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

i read that panama has a reforestation program. people invest money, the govt uses it for reforestation, and the investors get some income from the timber. sounds like a good program and hopefully other countries do something similar.

Gompo (152 posts) • 0

plant apple trees, pear trees, cherry trees, will have more green, more beauty, more oxygen and more fruits for free.

that seems irrealistic though. maybe because it is fruits for free..

AlexKMG (2387 posts) • 0

There was a Kunming TV station that was doing green events hosting and broadcasting once a week. One event was a tree planting ceremony at the park near Bamboo temple.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

In Dehong, the Jackfruit grow right on the main street of downtown. There are signs on the trees that say you will be fined if you pick the fruit.

I have planted a long row of sunflowers in my community. At least some people can eat the seeds.

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