GoKunming Forums

Visa issue school

unholeee (5 posts) • 0

Just looking if anyones been in a similar situation or has some ideas.

I arrived to work in a school here on a Z visa. I guess I was naive and I signed the contract in my home country and emailed it off. However when I started to work here, the business never signed the contract. They offered a different contract and now refuse to process my Z visa into a 1 year residency permit until i sign a bad contract. Im not sure I can go to another school because I have to deal with the original one?

Please help, my visa expires soon, and this is my first time to travel to work overseas

Dazzer (2813 posts) • 0

you are screwed really. you could go to labor office it might cause embarrassment to school but wont help you. rule of law counts for zip here. if you name and shame at least others can read it and avoid the place

Ifoundthetuna (370 posts) • 0

what i recommend is to find a "good" school.

good= school not screwing you over.

sign a new contract with them and go to thailand to leave the country and apply from there. you are supposef to do the processing from your homecountry but a lot of teachers i know still get it done in thailand or hongkong with the school's assisstance.

important is that you have all the papers. college degree. recognized teaching certificate. 2years recorded working experience (although i hear some teachers without, still got their visa). and the documents from the school, hiring you.

Ifoundthetuna (370 posts) • 0

before you do a visa run, go to exit&entry administration office, and show them all the papers you got and ask if there is anything else you need.

one colleague of mine did it and they told her to bring two additional documents. when she came back from HK she got the visa without any problems.

unholeee (5 posts) • 0

I've found, what I believe is a good school by walking around.

I told them the issues they will look into but i suspect leaving is most likely outcome however I don't wish to.

Sucky situation but bit of an eye opener.

unholeee (5 posts) • 0

do you know what the hanzi (chinese writing) for labor office is?.

I have an appointment now with the police and a translator. And tomorrow check with the exit and administration office.

Dazzer (2813 posts) • 0

they will lookinto eat means nothing. in china noone wants to get involved, unless it is their job to.

bluppfisk (398 posts) • 0

I'd say it's 劳动部, but they might use something else. By no means should you continue to work for a school that started off cheating you. There's no saying what else they will do. Get the hell out of there, and do name and shame so others don't make the same mistake.

AlexKMG (2387 posts) • 0

Agree with all the above. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Speaking of shame, you should name and shame them on this forum and any other teaching school forum. Otherwise, they suffer zero consequences and just will do that to the next foreigner. Of course, make sure it's the schools fault 100%. Because recruiters, agents, and middlemen could be at fault if you went through them.

unholeee (5 posts) • 0

ok, exit and administration say they will process another school as long as the relevant documents are produced at the labor office.

However each day longer than my visa is 500yuan per day

medical, cerificates, etc

Thanks for the help!

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