GoKunming Forums

Request leave China in 10 days

Reptilian (18 posts) • 0

Whats is the so called "star visa" ?

My sponsor, who currently holds my passport, is threatening to cancel my current visa and issue the dreaded "Star Visa ", which requests one to leave China in 10 days.

My question are:
1-If this is the case, and I do leave in 10 days and go to HK for a Visa run, would this star Visa make it harder for me to get a new Visa in HK?

2- Is the star visa also registered in their computer system ?

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

All visas are register in the computer. It's a must. Do they connect to a main headquarter to all others I don't know. I"ve never had of the 'Star visa'. News to me.

neddy (277 posts) • 0

Just curious: why did your sponsor do this?

Reptilian (18 posts) • 0

Yes, it is basically an exit Visa, or (*) Visa, where they mark your passaport with a star (*) and a notice that you are requested to leave China in 10 days.

So as a student, if you are studying in one school and trying to transfer your course to another institution, and the relationship between you and the school is less than amicable, they might threaten you with the Star Visa instead of having the decency of allowing you to just get transferred to another school.

I guess they rather have you leave China than lose you to their competitors. So my main question is, how will the immigration in HK interpret this star visa. Because if it is seen as a transgression, it might harm my changes of getting another Visa in the future.

neddy (277 posts) • 0

Reptilian, I think what they mean by "Star" is that the authorities will cancel the visa with an official red stamp, which is, in fact, in the shape of a star. This means that your visa is canceled, and yes, you must leave within 10 days. You can come back with another visa, probably without trouble. Some schools do this, yes. It seems rather brutal.

Reptilian (18 posts) • 0

Thank you for your reply, Neddy. Yes I am in shock they would mention they'd do this as I've been a student here for many years.

They recently changed their tuition deadline date to an earlier date, several months earlier than what was stablished and then we (students) are supposed to cope with this.

I have payed most of the fees already and the semester hasn't even started, but their greed is still pushing them to damage my life.

So what I would like to understand, if things really come to that, is, will this (*) Visa tarnish my passport and make it harder for me to get another visa on an eventual visa-run to HK? If it won't, as you say, this is good news.

neddy (277 posts) • 0

I do not think it will hurt you in the future, but I cannot be 100% sure. I have had this happen before, and re-entered with no problems, not even a question.

Reptilian (18 posts) • 0

No reason, Gompo. Their tuition payment deadline was supposed to be April, but they have changed it to March, almost 60 days earlier than what has always been.

Therefore several students are facing the same problem,

Most of us have paid more than half of it already, so I don't understand why they need to threaten us like that.

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