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Kunming girls

darkone264 (108 posts) • 0

I have a lovely chinese girlfriend whom I met at an english corner. I am learning chinese but it is a slow process for me because I am also working but she can speak English very well. She is normal to western standards and her parents are ok with it (this is a big thing in china) its been a great 5 months and we will be moving in together in march. we both are not expecting to have any real problems.

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

You are still in the 'honeymoon stage'. Problems usually don't start this early but it a good start. Good Luck! Moving in together is where the relationship can become more difficult.

misfit (113 posts) • 0

Hi, If you are now in China (and not only in town) I would recommend you to meet some girls in your school and try to hang out with them and their chinese friends, possibly not english speakers.
That will help you to learn chinese faster, to end up in more interesting situations than the stereotyped experience of the foreigner in china and basically skip many of the bar girls that you dont feel interested in. The price to pay is a kind of "lost in translation" feeling... but you might even like it! welcome to kunming! :)

Shoei (78 posts) • 0

if you guys know a chinese girl that is sweet and lovable which im sure is temperamental plus selfish and has a instinct of annoying you with their way of telling you how to do things which just ticks and turns me off.

i had my encounters, this girl has a car and its really cold -1 that night, i was at mickey D's where it was warm, i waited for more than a hour there then when she was done ask me to get out of mcdo to go to the entrance of where she park. i was already a bit ticked, but here i am gone out she told me from the door go left and straight and i will see the entrance another wait of 10 minutes before the damn thing got out but i got a call because it was the wrong direction its from her angle of left so its should be my right from the door then straight. i cant believe we argued and end up she just coming to mcdonalds. im like why couldnt you just come to the place at the first place, its cold and you want me standing here in the cold. and funny that when she first called she said she is done and about to leave the complex and wants me there at the entrance of the parking. i just wish i brought my car instead

Dazzer (2813 posts) • 0

ignore alien. sometimes i think he just posts any old crap without putting his brain in gear. i think the girl was doing the usual thing. she was probably still geting changed when she said she was on the way and didnt want to lose face. just say 'ill wait here for you, no hurry'

Haali (1178 posts) • 0

Most Chinese girls have almost no personality. They are happy eating, shopping, and playing with their phone. Kunming girls especially. Notice, I say MOST - there are still many millions of Chinese girls who do have interests beyond the holy trinity mentioned above.

Serrure (132 posts) • 0

I have to agree with Haali. It's difficult to even make friends with most of Chinese girls. As long as we just go shopping or eat together it's great, but any deeper conversation is unlikely to happen (Nothing to do with the language barrier IMHO) If I was a guy looking for a relationship I would be disappointed in Kunming dating scene. Unless someone is just looking for an ons. I think Chinese guys are better conversational partners once they get over the fact that they're talking to a foreign girl.

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