GoKunming Forums

Kunming to Yuxi

chris (144 posts) • 0

No trains between Kunming and Yuxi yet, but the line will start construction this year and finish in 2015: www.gokunming.com/[...]

As for buses, I believe the Nanyao bus station on Beijing Lu near the train station has buses leaving for Yuxi every hour.

Benny9 (1 post) • 0

I am a junior student,I am Yuxi people.Do you wanna go to Yuxi after 2days? I wanna go back to Yuxi.
It's my call number:13888498940 Benny.

hassan123 (1 post) • 0

Hi Benny9, I'd like to know if there is a bus from yuxi to kaiyuan or kaiyuan to yuxi. if there is, will "it pass/stop at a town called maybe "shadian or shadienzhen" (not sure what this town it is called) but it lies in between kaiyuan and Yuxi on the map. thank you YUxi people

bluppfisk (398 posts) • 0

If you want to go to Shadian, I think a bus from Yuxi to Gejiu or Jianshui is the best option, then switch to a local, frequent bus to Shadian. Nice mosque there.

I'm not sure whether buses to Kaiyuan will stop in Shadian, but again, you could switch to a local bus from Kaiyuan.

Also, there are now trains to Yuxi.

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