GoKunming Forums

RC model hobby in kunming

kapila (3 posts) • 0

I was in Kunming for a couple of days, and being a passionate RC airplane hobbyist, I would like to know if there is an RC model community here, and where I can buy RC model stuff in kunming

Ifoundthetuna (370 posts) • 0

there was an RC model shop right behind the gome electronics shop on beijing lu right after you go through the north rail station underpass. opposite the gingko plaza.

try to find the entrance for the RISE English school Beijing Lu branch. i remember it was just a few doors to the right.

i hope it's still there.

kapila (3 posts) • 0

Just to update the status.

The shop opposite Gingko Plaza also closed down.

I was however able to track down a hobby shop at gate 8 of the tuodong stadium.

Gentleman by the name of martin Fu runs the place.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

932 Xi Yuan Road - Bus Stop name is Dan Xia Lu Kuo. Near the Kunming News Center on Dan Xia Road. They have planes of all sizes and helicopters.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

There are lots of RC toys on Taobao, but not many RC models. They are asking 2000-3000 for toys that are in Carrefour and Walmart for 200-300. It must be Christmas.

Even in model shops, you will not get any bargains. China is very expensive for a lot of RC stuff. It is much cheaper to buy in HongKong. Maybe only 1/3 the price in HK.

2.4Ghz Radio gear in HK is only 25-30% of the prices I have seen here.

mike4g_air (788 posts) • 0

@ Kapila.
I'm also a long time RC aircraft pilot.

Here I've flown mainly electric 2 m gliders. I did bring my .50 but haven't gotten around to set it up in an aircraft.

kevlar (42 posts) • 0

I saw a shop today on Er Huan Xi Lu, just north of Jiao Ling Lu that had RC cars in the front window, and there were several planes and boats inside too

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