GoKunming Forums

Is there any French in kunming ?

lyna2 (3 posts) • 0

I am a Chinese girl and I want to find a french friend to help me with my french study. If you want to study Chinese, I can help you too. If you are interested, contact with me please.

Daithi (426 posts) • 0

@lyna2 U can just go to the French Cafe on Wen Lin Jie. Plenty of French people there.

Bonne chance

Daithi (426 posts) • 0

@ lyna2

Wo de yisi shi Wen Lin Jie you yi ge kafeiguanr jiao "French Cafe". Nage laobanr he hen duo guke shi Faguo de. Ruguo ni yao jianmian Faguoren nali hen heshi de.


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