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Recourse for problems with missionary colleagues?

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

"What exactly do Atheists and neo-meditators/spirituals see as evil in Christianity?"

love thy neighbor, except if thy neighbor is a faggot or abortion doctor. bigotry, small-mindedness, dogma, being absolutely certain your way is right and the other way is wrong, intolerance, hating everyone who is different and doesn't comply with scripture are all forms of evil. and it has lead to killing of abortion doctors because rigid dogma leads to evil behavior.

and a lot more.

watch the film Jesus Camp. it's brainwashing of children and child abuse in my opinion.

also, watch Waiting For Armageddon as born-agains anxiously await war in the middle east to intensify to fulfill scripture. nothing evil about war, especially war that's sanctioned by prophecies in a 'holy' book.

non-intellectual, does not foster free thinking.

false spiritual beliefs based on fear. fear causes mental health issues. ie fear of going to hell when you die because some moron with a bigle told you.

etc. etc. etc. work it out for yourself. if you can't find any evil in it, you're not trying hard enough.

there is some good stuff about it as well. it's not ALL bad. but in my opinion, it's better to get the good stuff elsewhere as there's too much bad. that's my 2 cents. if these were my children, i'd drag them away from these people. and that would be the end of it.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

Agree to a point, but RE in a mainstream school does not include fire and brimstone, guilt trips, coercion and overbearing teachers. This is different to what is delivered by Christian fundamentalists.

How do I know? I have experience in both camps.

I would also add that teenagers are easily radicalised and easily led by peer pressure. We all need to be part of a pack or herd. Those who don't follow the herd, usually join a rebel pack. Some run with the 'don't conform and break the rules' pack. Smoking, drinking, truant, etc.
Others join young Christian groups, in school and/or in a local church. Some join radical religious groups, a very small number join sects. Religion satisfies the need for belonging. Others just follow the herd and are average students.

I agree with everything you say but I think evil is too strong a word. This is the kind of language used by fundamentalists. Because evil is such an emotive word, you will find your arguments will be easy to attack.

Personally, I believe any fundamentalist dogma (religious, political, or other) is skewed, unrealistic, unhelpful, divisive, and in many cases harmful. Harmful to people's physiological, mental, and sometimes physical health. It is also detrimental to social harmony.

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

Indoctrination in & out of schools and universities: how is the preaching of Nationalism different from the preaching of Christianity or other religions? How is a Nation different from a polytheistic god? Where does most of the indoctrination in schools, and in families for that matter, come from? Is Nationalism dangerous? When someone says or writes that "Botswana invaded Thailand" or "Bolivia and Canada are friends", what is the epistemological character of the nations mentioned? How can 'innocent' young minds resist this indoctrination and think about the issues clearly? At what age are most people 'converted' to virtual worship of the nation as a virtual deity?

nnoble (889 posts) • 0

Nice attempt at moving away from the topic: 'should a person employed as an English teacher be systematically preaching religion in the classroom'. Classrooms typically with older children and young adults (10 - 18 years). Lawfully, morally the answer has to be NO, they should not.
I was wondering why these people don't come on here and defend their actions. Possibly one or two are already on here rationalising their own behaviour.

laotou (1714 posts) • 0

Nationalism is another form of religion...but it too, can get out of hand, can be abused, can become uncontrollable.

nnoble (889 posts) • 0

Yes and I would say religion is another form of politics. The question is should someone contracted to teach English be acting intentionally, systematically, illegally. Simple questions: is R.E. on the curriculum, are you trained and employed as a religious education teacher? If not - desist and leave the kids alone.

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

@laotou: There's the threat, operates very successfully. Nationalism is the true religion of modern times almost everywhere. I'm not ignoring fundamentalist Christian missionary activity, it's just relatively so much less important.
On the topic: like I said, suggest you pretty much ignore the religious propagandists, they are so outnumbered.

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

@nnoble: I would say that virtually everything can be seen in its political dimension, as well as in various religious dimensions, and that religions is USED by those after power, whether in the political realm or in the economic. However, it is the global economic system is pretty much the dog these days (as in other days), wagging all its tails (political arrangements like nationalism, ideological beliefs including religious ones, media presentations of events and their significance).

nnoble (889 posts) • 0

The absolute numbers are irrelevant. One 'soul saved' is another win for god's army. Their god, their christian army. These people themselves are often utterly ignorant about what beliefs the children already possess and how their direct interference will change that one child, their life and their family. They should not be abusing their position. Period.

yankee00 (1632 posts) • 0

"love thy neighbor, except if thy neighbor is a faggot or abortion doctor."

That would probably be religious fanatics/Jesus freaks who would think that. I've never heard that kind of message coming from a priest or other Christians I know. What might make them emotional would probably be homosexual sex, because it doesn't create life, and the act of aborting because it takes away life. Other than that, I've never learned to hate on gays for being gay or doctors for being doctors.

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