I need to go to a hospital to get a suspicious-looking mole checked out and I'm wondering if there's a good hospital here in Kunming, maybe one where the doctors speak English? I arrived here just two weeks ago and my Chinese is really basic... I do have some friends here who speak Chinese fluently, but they are quite busy and I don't know if they would have the time to be my interpreter. I'd be really happy if someone could give me some tips!
I've been told that Richland hospital has translators on staff. I have not been there myself.
If i remember correctly Richland was discussed in length on a forum in the past and comments were not so good. Have only heard good about International Clinic 0871-64119100, English speaking foreign doctors.
Yes, Richland is hit-or-miss. Chinese doctors with some English. International Clinic has western doctors who will diagnose you well, but send you on to Chinese horpitals for tests and non-trivial treatment. I've used both places. Recommend Int Clinic. Details for both can be found with a search on this site.
You should go to the dermatology hospital. This hospital only deal with skin. I don't know the address but you can ask one of you Chinese friend where it is located.
The dermatology hospital is on the city side corner of the West HuanCheng road and the South HuanCheng road. They have a lot of expensive testing machines and they are not afraid to charge (use them) you for them.
I had a mole checked in a different city, they cut it off and tested it later.
maybe go to a GP first? he might declare that's its benign and no need for expensive procedures? GP visit is really cheap.
Do they have GPs in China?
Cool, will look into these options. Thanks, guys!
sorry, i don't know the technicalities of their titles.