Seems we're being protected from Yahoo news, as well as our mail at Yahoo, today - wonder why?
Seems we're being protected from Yahoo news, as well as our mail at Yahoo, today - wonder why?
Hong Kong protest.
BBC coverage being disrupted too.
They don't want the mainland to be infected by this virus. Ha..ha.
I blew into yahoo at light speed - fastest I've EVER connected from my crap ISP...If it's consistent, it MIGHT be blocking or word filtering - but if it's sporadic - it's probably more attributable to generally crappy Chinese non-professional ISP management.
from the foreign influence causing protests, excuse me, riots in Hong Kong of course.
From the videos I am looking at there are pretty big protests but no riots. Lots of people chanting and standing around. Police are using tear gas and pepper spray to little effect. Did not see any fighting with police at all.
I can't stand it anymore, so have to comment on this HK thing. The international so-called journalism at play here is, as usual, lazy and sensationalist. Most contemporary journalists are too lazy to look at the history of events that lead up to various flash points - the elusive root cause.
HKers have always portrayed themselves as something else. Although essentially a class of peasants - they self anointed themselves as "british" to separate themselves from their mainland brethren. The British dominion of HK was typically British - colonialistic with its many benefits and of course detractions.
Most HKers are grateful and reminisce fondly that the British left HK with a form of democratic rule - but the simple fact is that the colony had no democratic rule until the return to China approached.
Most HKers reminisce fondly that they were part of the once great and flourishing British empire - however in 1997 the British government clearly kicked them between the legs by clearly noting they are NOT British citizens, but they can have a "special" ID noting they're from HK. What a farcical and aggregious affront - yet many HKers lap it up like dogs who are loyal to anyone who feeds them a scrap here and there.
The HKers are incensed at the rather peasantish behavior of their mainland brethren - but they forget - just a few decades ago HKers were viewed in the same light by foreigners. I still remember their mobile phone manners in elevators - all trying to act like bigshots by screaming into their phones in an elevator - but instead looking more like an uncivilized peasant wannabee - dress a monkey in nice clothes - it's still a monkey.
The core issue isn't democracy. Even Europe is moving away from democracy and the USA is a shining example of democracy failing through legalized corruption and greed (note - the USA was founded as a REPUBLIC, NOT a democracy).
Anyway - to un-digress - the root cause of these demonstrations - now turned into self-aggrandizing mob demonstrations (at least they're not looting like USA mob demonstrations) - they're ashamed of being Chinese - they want to be ANYTHING but Chinese. They'd rather be labeled British lap dogs than Chinese. They' simply ashamed of being viewed or construed as Chinese.
That's my opinion of general HK culture as viewed from the outside since the 1960's. HK is an amazing place, full of talented and amazing people - but this thing - ashamed of being Chinese, of being labeled Chinese - it's akin to the Taiwan issue - I find it shameful and I find it even more shameful that they're using the self-delusional diversionary tactic of democracy to cover their shame.
So - go ahead - deny your culture, deny your legacy - but you can't hide your face and the world will never see you as anything else.
A futile and foolish attempt to seek an delusional identity, as they reject their true identity. This is the root of HK, TWN, and JPN - although JPN's in a somewhat different category of delusion...they've been doing it for such a long time - it's part of their culture...but that's another story.
So - go ahead - deny your culture, deny your roots - I truly wish you all success - and then I can watch as the HUGE vacuum that's China will suck your island dry as HK becomes marginalized by Singapore, Shanghai, Shenzhen, etc. Your jobs will flee to the mainland, your home prices will drop. Crime will skyrocket. Corruption will run rampant. Your civil rights will be trampled. Poverty will skyrocket. Despair will be your new god.
All those nations that encourage you and incite you - that you think are your friends - they'll disappear and leave your stranded in your foolishness.
But you still won't listen as you're still enamored with your delusional image in your warped mirror.
HK and Taiwan won't change their ways until they're thoroughly humiliated before the world they thought were their friends, their lovers, when in fact they're just the world's whore, a pawn in the world of global politics.
The parent can only look on in sadness and pain as they swim ever deeper into despair. All their wealth and riches are delicately temporal and illusory.
Students are a naive, idealistically moronic lot - easily manipulated, easily incited, quickly disillusioned once they face the reality of life.
Viewed through an historical looking glass and as someone who is relatively impartial, I tend to agree laotou.
But from the perspective of the young people alive right now who are threatened with the death of something very important to them (their identity, culture and opportunities), you are miles off.
It's fine to pass judgement from an armchair where those judgements don't affect you, but when your very way of life is threatened by those judgements it's a different story.
Young people I have talked to in Hong Kong most of all wish to protect their way of life and their unique cultural identity. They are angry because they have no power - all the decisions made about their future were negotiated between two foreign powers when they were in nappies or before, leaving them with little power or control of their future. They then see the very things that would allow them some level of autonomy and self determination being diluted or removed. These are genuine grievances they have, they are not just idealistic morons as you purport.
@Laotou: I agree with some, but not all, of your characterization of Hong Kong. However, the god that has to be dealt with is blind nationalism dominated by people who encourage blind nationalism - OUR way. All this about denying cultural heritage should be laid at the doorstep of those who have made 'cultural heritage' into 'you belong to us, now'.