GoKunming Forums

Where to rent an e-bike?

stina (16 posts) • 0

We have family visiting, and would really love to rent an e-bike for their visit. Does anyone know of any shops or private parties that do this? Looking for a bigger scooter (64v or bigger) that can carry two westerners.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

The only place I have seen is on the other end of the causeway (Hubin Lu) near Haigeng Park. As you head west, just before the end of the causeway is a car park and tourist area on your left. They have a sign that shows cycle and ebike hire. I have no idea what the machines are like though.

stina (16 posts) • 0

Maybe officially, but we live in the north, and I see two adults on e-bikes all the time. No one seems to get any trouble—at least up here.

AlPage48 (1394 posts) • 0

I live in the north too. I've seen bikes with multiple riders pulled over on occasion, but it does interrupt the police cigarette breaks so not often.

I've seen bikes up here with 4 adults and once with 3 adults plus 2 children.

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