GoKunming Forums


Elisa (174 posts) • 0

Has anyone found this around town? I neglected to purchase a new bottle before coming and my allergies are going crazy. I found Claritin (loratadine) which my body now treats like candy after taking it a few years, and Zyrtec (Cetirizine) which I bought but haven't tried yet.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

You should look into the TCM medicine for allergies. There are several threads here about this topic. I have a few big bottles of all the meds you listed in my house in Dali but they are over 10 years old because I no longer use them.

Elisa (174 posts) • 0

Are there TCM places that will put up with someone who knows about 30 words of poorly-pronounced Mandarin?

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

You can NOT go to a TCM doctor without someone who speaks Chinese. This leads to another topic but take someone with you.

Elisa (174 posts) • 0

hah, that's what I figured. This will be fun to drag my husband into. :) I so wish we could tag people on here.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

When I first arrived in China and before I was married to my chinese wife it was very easy to find an interpreter to take care of difficult things that required a good knowledge of Chinese language.

Go to any university near where you live and adopt an English major student. Teach them for free. In return they will be your interpreter and this translation process will also open their minds to many simple tasks they dont know about like renting an apartment, resolving a problem with a landlord, fixing a broken appliance (computer), going to the doctor and so on.

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

@HFCampo: Good idea about getting a student as a translator. And you may be right about the student learning something about certain tasks, but I think, or anyway hope, that the person who needs the translator will learn something as well.

laotou (1714 posts) • 0

I might add that the tourism schools have some of the best conversational english speakers I've ever had the pleasure to interview and or meet...

kevlar (42 posts) • 0

The TCM hospital on Dongfeng Dong Lu (across the street from the Kunming Hotel) has a lady who speaks English. Her English name is Jennifer. Also, the doctor I saw for acupuncture treatment there spoke a little English as well.

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