Culture 7:00pm
Stigmatized No More!
Stigmatized No More!
What is autism? For those who are not familiar with this term or are keen to have an in-depth understanding of this condition, come join us on the 24th(Wednesday) for our autism awareness film screening.
We are honored to have invited Vee-an autism specialist and neurodiversity advocate, Duoduo’ mom-a mom with an autistic child and a husband fighting cancer, Shunjie-a teacher working at an institution for autistic children and Mom Snail-a mom and also a business owner with a daughter that has Rett syndrome and hopefully Duoduo-who is autistic and has high spatial intelligence but struggling with socializing and communicating as our guest speakers. We will watch a well-made BBC documentary on autism that sheds light on the lives of people with having to cope with extraordinary circumstances.
Please share and spread the news on your social media. Some of Duoduo’s works will be available for sale at the venue. All proceeds from ASD, named after Autism Spectrum Disorder, one of the best brews at EGO, are donated to institutions in Kunming that buy teaching supplies for the teachers of children with autism. This event is free of charge to attend, limited seatings, please DM to secure a spot.
到底什么是自闭症?如果你对这个词不是很熟悉或者你有兴趣更深地了解这个症状, 欢迎参加我们在24号(周三)举办的自闭症意识电影放映。
Vee-自闭症专家,神经多元性倡导者,多多妈妈-一个星儿的妈妈,同时也是一个与癌症做战斗丈夫的妻子, 刘舜婕-一位资深的一线教育工作者就职于蒙多贝自闭症儿童康复中心, 蜗牛妈妈-一个患有雷特综合症女儿的妈妈,同时也是为特殊儿童群体提供就业实践场所的悠然蜗手工烘培坊创始人之一,最后,多多-一位有非常高的空间智能但很弱的社交,沟通能力的自闭症患者,现场演示如何手撕篆书 (前提是多多的情绪稳定)。同时,我们会观看一部BBC制作的关于自闭症的非常高质量的记录片,深入了解自闭症患者周边的人们如何在不同寻常的压力下生活。
请大家能在你的社交媒体上帮忙宣传我们本月的活动。现场有手撕篆书义卖,收入归创始者所有。当晚“EGO孤独症”所有收入均用于EGO本年4月2日的自闭症公益捐赠。 本活动免费参与,名额有限,请私信报名。