Nightlife 9:00pm
Halloween Dada Party!
Dada Halloween Night
This Halloween, join DJs Tiger9stein and 小Kris at Dada Kunming for a night devilishly delicious grooves! Dropping classic tracks to get your body movin no matter living souls or spirits from beyond. Come dressed to impress Lucifer himself, for one night only the graveyard turns into the raveyard!
今年的万圣节 DJ Tiger9stein 和 DJ小Kris 要一起在昆明DADA办一个特别刺激的晚会!各种音乐和经典歌曲会以让您的身体保持活力。穿上你最好看最奇怪最恐怖的服装让大家嗨起来!我们party吧!
Tiger9stein is a veteran of China’s clubland. He has boogied his way all over the land, spreading his Midas touch of funktastic disco fabulousness across dance floors far and wide!
Playing alongside Peter Hook from Joy Division, Mustang, Mickey, The Magician, Joakim, Le Castle Vania, Cassian, Louis La Roche, and Attar!
Tiger9stein游刃有余地在中国的各处俱乐部穿梭,热衷于把具有独特个性的迷幻Funk disco音乐由内到外地散播到舞池里。
Tiger9stein与来自Joy Division的Peter Hook和 Mustang, Mickey, The Magician, Joakim, Le Castle Vania, Cassian, Louis La Roche, 以及Attar都有过合作演出的经历
Xiao Kris
DJ Xiao Kris, Kunming’s longest running foreign DJ is from America and started Djing in Asia in 2001. He has played in several countries in Asia and has played all over China as well since then. He likes many different styles of music and can fit in with any style of event but whatever it is it’s gotta be funky! He is a practitioner of vinyl scratching as well. Being a musician and producer himself you can feel his strong love of music in his sets. If you came to dance DJ Xiao Kris is your man!
DJ 小Kris来自美国,他是在昆明时间最长国外的DJ!他从2001 年开始在亚洲各种国家打碟也是在中国的很多城市演出过。他的风格非常丰富,什么风格都喜欢也是学搓黑胶。因为他也是一个音乐家你可以真正感受到他热爱音乐。如果你想跳舞DJ小Kris是你的DJ!