Kunming Events Calendar

Nightlife 9:00pm

MZN9 party


DJs Mousaäca, ZOE, Fantast

MZNNIGHT Wild Taste!

2020年10月16日 星期五
DaDa Kunming

MZN Night Wild Taste
MZN Night Wild Taste是MZN9线下系列派对,始于2020年夏末的派对,野生丛林和爱护动物,大自然的精神印在心中,派对与自然或是星空沟通,创造不同的音乐火花。
MZN Night Wild Taste is an offline series of parties in MZN9, which starts at the end of summer 2020. The spirit of Wild jungle and caring for the nature of animals is imprinted in the heart, and the party communicates with nature or the stars to create different musical sparks.





DJ/VJ/Promoter. 创办MZN9艺术音乐组织,与成员们举办多场音乐活动,包含MACROSS 82-99、Daviouxxx、ConnectorXXX等合作,回昆近两年mzn9成为昆明重要音乐连接纽带。以艺术音乐为介质连接世界各地朋友,希望各类曲风不作为热爱音乐朋友划界。个人音乐曲风变化多样,坚持分享心灵的音乐。

DJ/VJ/Promoter. founded the MZN9 as an artistic music organization and organizes many musical activities, including MACROSS 82-99, Daviouxxx, ConnectorXXX and other cooperation. The MZN9 has become an important musical link in Kunming in the past two years. Arts & Music as a medium to connect friends around the world, I hope that a variety of musical styles will not stand in the way of the people who love music, become the boundary.

Personal music styles vary, and insist on music that shares the heart.


活动在地下音乐场景的DJ,对音色有着很高的敏锐度。擅长在不同风格的音乐元素中寻找微妙的平衡,并创造出富于变化,涌动的幻境场景。在她看来,无论从Lofi 到Acid ,亦或是Jungle到Bass,音乐是一条没有界限的浪潮。她通过一系列充满未知感与新鲜感的节拍混合表达音乐的叙事性。曾与Summer of haze,Berlin Bunny 等国内外音乐人有过合作。如果电子音乐是某种来自地球外的恩赐,“那么肯定是流淌的”。

Based in underground music parties. Well known for her intuitive record selection. Balancing a fine line between styles and genres.Her Dj sets are trippy, sophisticated. Full of banging illusions. Her mind goes from Lofi to Acid and Jungle to Bass. Like a wave without boundaries. She has played along side Berlin Bunny and Summer of Haze. Electronic music is a gift and it must be "flowing" into space.

DJ Fantast


a strong fan of electronic music and love the inner music. I also travel to attend parties at home and abroad. In 2006, I started to be active in various clubs in Yunnan, and I love the warm and rich Techno music and the rhythm of various beats.

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