Nightlife 10:00pm • 30 yuan
In The City presents Hoodoo Real Techno
In the City派对系列在昆明举办每月一次的高品质派对,每次派对都有不一样的惊喜!3月30号我们联合广州Hoodoo派对厂牌的主理人Tribes在最纯正的英式俱乐部Vervo Club带来一场最狂热Techno派对。Tribes来自英国曼彻斯特,18岁开始举办派对,移居广州后创办Hoodoo,致力于推广Techno音乐的文化精粹,并坚持带来美好的锐舞派对。对电子音乐充满热情的他将带来多重敲击,快节奏加上不规则的鼓点足以考验你的锐舞技巧!常驻昆明的Viandoks和S&M,Vervo主理人Maxxi将助阵。Crystal Cortex将继续带来现场视觉,引领漩涡进入你脑回里的兔子洞。
We are proud to present the next highlight in our monthly In The City party series! On March 30th we are joined by TRIBES, the leading figure behind the Hoodoo Techno parties in Guangzhou. He's hailing from Manchester, UK, so which place could be more suited for an ecstatic Techno party than Kunming's only Gin Bar & Club Vervo? Tribes is committed to promoting not only the musical but also the cultural aspect of Techno music and made these ideas the core concepts of the Hoodoo party series. Passionate about electronic music, he brings multiple taps and fast-paced and irregular drums to challenge you to put your best dance moves on the floor! Kunming locals Viandoks, S&M and Vervo's Maxxi are there for the support and Crystal Cortex will morph space and time together in a live audio-visual experience
Line up
Viandoks (FR) 10 - 11
S&M (USA) 11 - 12:30
Tribes (UK) 12:30 - 2:30
Maxxi (CN) 2:30 - late
3月30日 周六 Mar 30. Sat.
正义坊钱王街 Vervo俱乐部
Vervo Club, Zhengyifang, Kunming