Nightlife 10:00pm • 30 yuan
Awakening Kunming 昆明幻醒
Dancing souls of Kunming, take your last chance to awaken with GoaProductions!
On Saturday, November 24., our sound sorcerers and visual wizardz will invade Turtle Club for an unforgettable night of blasting beats. Open your hearts, release your mind enter your inner world.
Local deckmaster Abo will open this magical night, followed by GoaProductions' very own musical master Viandoks and frequency freak Satori Snooks. Forget what you've known about space and time, as you journey to the fourth dimensional audio-visual dreamscapes of Crystal Cortex!
Awakening has no presale - 30 RMB at the door for an all night party starting at 10 PM!
Don't stay home - there's no place like the Trancefloor!
昆明当地搓盘手Abo将开启这个神奇的夜晚,接着是GoaProductions的音乐健将Viandoks和节奏鬼才Satori Snooks。一起穿越Crystal Cortex本次特别带来的四维视听梦境,摆脱空间和时间对你的束缚!
幻醒没有预售 - 晚上10点入场30元!
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