Culture Dec 6 – Dec 27 • Free entry
Stone Forest Exhibition: The Locality of Time
The Locality of Time: Nature, Culture and Eternity in the Stone Forest
Winning photographs and selected runners up from the 2016 Stone Forest International Photography Exhibition
Opening Ceremony: 2016 December 6, 4pm
Organized by GoKunming, in cooperation with The Stone Forest, The Stone Forest International Photography Competition ran for eight weeks, from September 19 through November 14. For the duration of the contest, interested photographers with original photos taken at the Stone Forest were able to upload their images across three categories (Culture, Nature and People) for voter consideration.
The Locality of Time showcases the eight weekly winners, three category winners and one grand prize winner, as well as a special exhibit devoted to honorable mention and selected photographers.
The Stone Forest International Photography Competition and The Locality of Time exhibit were organized by GoKunming and the Stone Forest.
The contest's top jury prize is a DJI Inspire 1 V2.0 drone and camera package valued at US$1,999. Meanwhile, each category winner will be awarded a prize package consisting of an all-inclusive weekend stay for two at Sofitel Kunming, two VIP tickets to Yang Liping's dance drama Dynamic Yunnan, and two free passes for their next visit to the Stone Forest. All prize winners will also receive a gift package of mu'er (木耳), organically grown in the Stone Forest by Sunrise Manor (旭润庄园) and a box of natural energy bars provided by Dali Bars (达力巴). Contest logistics were expertly provided for by Wonders of Yunnan.
Prizes will be awarded at the exhibit opening on December 6.
GoKunming would like to thank everyone who participated in the contest, as well as our generous sponsors.
Congratulations to all of the winners!