Live music 9:00pm • 30 yuan
Live music 9:00pm • 30 yuan
Thirteenth Hippie Tiedie Peace and Love Fest
On this very unlike other Friday nights MAO live-house will feature The Amerolativian expedition, t'Mo and Black beans w/ rice. (Haha, and Jasons need to stay at home) This fest is not about blood and gore, but a kind reminder that there are still souls in this god forsaken place that want to pppppparticipate in a social event we call "Party". No need for politics and please leave all cell phones at home. Only then for a mere 30 yuan you will be allowed to enter MAO's heaven and will also be rewarded with a FREE cocktail to begin the night with :)
Bands will start around 21:30 and DJ Esdub and Dangertom will play till we drop all our plans. Till then L O V E