Kunming Events Calendar

Culture Oct 21 – Oct 24

Exhibition of Calligraphy and Paintings


An exhibition of calligraphy and painting works will open in the new Yunnan Art Museum (formerly the Yunnan Museum’s exhibition hall) from Oct 21 to 23, Xinhua.net reported.

The income from the exhibition will be donated to help Yunnan’s Ludian, a county struck by a 6.5-magnitude earthquake on Aug 3, killing more than 600 people.

The Yunnan Writers Association and the Chinese Writers Association called on the public to jointly donate paintings and calligraphies to help the people in disaster areas. More than 80 writers and artists responded positively to the call. More than 30 of them are winners of the Mao Dun Literature Prize or Lu Xun Literary Prize (both are highly prestigious literature prizes in China).

Visitors can enjoy more than 140 works from Chinese artists and writers. Nobel Prize in Literature winner Mo Yan will be exhibited as well. Also, visitors will find works from famous Chinese writers, including Wang Meng, Jia Ping’ao and Chen Zhongshi. Work from Yunnan’s local writers, such as Lei Pingyang, Huang Yao and Yu Jian, will be exhibited as well.

The charity bazaar is expected to open at 2:30 pm, Oct 24. All profits from the bazaar will also be donated to quake-hit areas.

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Yunnan Art Museum • 118 Wuyi Lu