Kunming Events Calendar

Upcoming events

Wednesday Oct 13, 2021

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November, 2021


UN Biodiversity Conference (COP 15)

UN Biodiversity Conference (COP 15)

Oct 11 – Oct 15 2 attending.
Tea Art/Ceremony Workshop
Culture Discover 茶 Tea Studio

Tea Art/Ceremony Workshop

All day 300 yuan
Born To Be Wild - Biodiversity Through Nordic Lens
Exhibitions TCG Nordica (new location)

Born To Be Wild - Biodiversity Through Nordic Lens

Oct 11 – Nov 1 1 attending.
A Community of Life for Man and Nature
Exhibitions Yuan Xiaocen Art Museum

A Community of Life for Man and Nature

Oct 9 – Nov 9
Dancing Wednesdays
Classes Dangsters Dance School (Nanping Location)

Dancing Wednesdays

6:30pm 90 yuan
Catch wrestling & Jiu-jitsu (BJJ)
Sports China Catch Wrestling and BJJ

Catch wrestling & Jiu-jitsu (BJJ)

Free Language Exchange
Culture Kunming Keats School

Free Language Exchange

Yang Liping's Dynamic Yunnan
Live music Yunnan Art Theater

Yang Liping's Dynamic Yunnan

8:00pm 187 yuan
"Secluded" by Shu Yang
Exhibitions 108 Loft Complex

"Secluded" by Shu Yang

May 14 – Oct 14
Mothers Week
Dining & Drinks Amber Palace Indian Restaurant

Mothers Week

All day
Wine Time Wednesdays!
Nightlife Barfly

Wine Time Wednesdays!

All day
One Flower, One Bird, One World
Exhibitions Contemporary Gallery Kunming

One Flower, One Bird, One World

Sep 30 – Jan 5 48 yuan 1 attending.
Insects that Save the Earth
Exhibitions Kunming Natural History Museum of Zoology

Insects that Save the Earth

Jun 5 – Oct 30
Art Works Collect Share by Shanshan
Exhibitions Loft Jinding 1919

Art Works Collect Share by Shanshan

Sep 25 – Oct 25
The Disappearing World, Their Future and Ours
Exhibitions World Expo No. 1 - Shuying Art Center

The Disappearing World, Their Future and Ours

Sep 4 – Dec 3 1 attending.
Salsa Class
Classes Salsa5 Dance Studio

Salsa Class

7:00pm 10 yuan
Toastmasters Club: Public Speaking & Leadership
Culture Wanda Plaza

Toastmasters Club: Public Speaking & Leadership

7:00pm 10 yuan
Fitness and Fun w/Boxing
Sports Ong Bak Muay Thai Boxing & MMA Gym

Fitness and Fun w/Boxing

Karaoke Night
Nightlife The Dude

Karaoke Night

