GoKunming Articles

GoKunming Weekend Preview

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Friday: Children's painting at TCG Nordica
TCG Nordica will be celebrating a slightly late Children's day weekend beginning with a Friday night opening for its exhibition of painting by local children. Opening starts at 8:00, entry is free.

Friday: Cheese and wine night at The Box II
The Box II in north Kunming will hold its first cheese and wine night tonight, featuring a selection of imported Italian scamorza, buffalo mozzarella, provola and cacciovallo cheeses plus prosciutto crudo and a variety of Italian wines. For reservations or more information, call 15825267010 or email sanyiseul [at] yahoo [dot] de.

Friday: DJs Ma Xi and Yan at Uprock
Uprock does the Friday thing tonight with DJs Ma Xi and Yan. Music starts at 10, entry is free. Gin and tonics will be on special for 10 yuan until 11:00.

Saturday: Children's Day activities
TCG Nordica will hold an evening of activities for children on Saturday from 7:00. Entry is free.

Saturday: Aoma Meili Pub 7th birthday party
Aoma Meili Pub is celebrating its seventh birthday Saturday night with one free selected cocktail for everyone plus two-for-one beers from 9 to 10 and 20% off everything after 10. DJ Jeremy will play chillout tunes early on and party tracks later in the night.

Saturday: Latin's Back Party at The Hump Bar
The Hump Bar is hosting a night of Latin, Reggae, Bangra and African music beginning at 9:30 and going late. Entry is free.

Saturday: Underground rock showcase at Uprock
Saturday night Uprock will host a night of relatively unknown local bands including Ma Fu San, Mi Gong and Ong. The bands will play from 9:00 to 11:00, entry is 30 yuan. After the show there will be electronic music and free drinks for ladies until midnight.

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