GoKunming Articles

Things to do during Chinese New Year

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Kunming all but shuts down for a few days during the Chinese New Year holiday, but there are still a few things to do during the seven-day holiday which starts Sunday and ends on Saturday. Here's what we know of*:

Kunming Museum: New Exhibition
Kunming Municipal Museum will stay open throughout the holiday every day from 9:30 am to 5 pm. The new main exhibition is a retrospective on the China National Aviation Company (CNAC), whose complex history goes far beyond its role in flying WWII supply missions over the treacherous 'Hump over the Himalayas'.

Organized by Diego Kusak – son of CNAC pilot Steve Kusak – the exhibition features dozens of photos plus film of China, Yunnan and Kunming in the 1930s and 40s.

The Kunming Municipal Athletic Center Squash Hall will be open daily throughout the holiday, including the – 25th – from 8:30 am to 10 pm. Courts are unheated, but hot tea is free.

Minigolf by Dianchi Lake
Hello! Haigeng Minigolf will be open through the holiday, except for the afternoon of the 25th. The Tower Bar and Restaurant and Tiki Bar will also be open.

Parties at Uprock
Tonight and tomorrow Uprock will host parties just in time for people to spend their hongbao takings. Tonight there will be a 'no DJ' party in which patrons can trade a CD with one or more of their favorite songs for a shot of tequila. There will also be games including Twister and Memory plus a foosball tournament (10 yuan entry fee) with a grand prize of a bottle of Captain Morgan rum. Entry is free.

On Sunday the 25th Uprock will hold a Chinese New Year party with DJ Shonny and special guest. The bar will have 35 shooters on special for 10 to 20 yuan. Entry is free.

Niu Year party at the Bird Bar in Dali
For those looking for an excuse to get out of Kunming, the Bird Bar will throw a Chinese New Year party on Tuesday the 27th featuring DJ Yan and VJ Chris. All partygoers are encouraged to wear red – the more the better. Party starts around tenish, entry is free.

Cook for yourself
If you've been too busy or lazy to cook for yourself, this is one of the best times of the year to dust off the wok and get creative in the kitchen. If you're short on ideas, try some of GoKunming's Yunnan cai recipes.

Free Ultimate Frisbee clinic at Yunnan Minorities University
With Kunming's first Ultimate tournament coming up on February 7 and 8, Kunming Ultimate is offering a clinic on Sunday, February 1 for anybody interested in learning more about the sport. The free clinic starts at 3 pm at the soccer field behind Yunnan Minorities University, just north of Yieryi Dajie.

*Readers who know of any other venues open during the holidays are encouraged to share in this post's comments section.

GoKunming wishes its readers a happy and healthy year of the ox.

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boring? that's not true. the Yunnan Provincial Museum has some exhibits that were quite nice to check out. Also the Hump Bar hosted a Cuban Nite on 30th, full of Latino engergy.

I also heard there's a temple fair (庙会) on 9th day of the new year (Feb 3?) at Jindian (金殿) that's supposed to be fun.

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