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A friendly reminder from the Kunming Public Security Bureau

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A group of police officers paid a visit to the GoKunming office the other day, stopping by with a request. Our meeting was cordial but straightforward, centering around outreach efforts with Kunming's foreign residents the Public Security Bureau is required to pursue.

They left us with a small pamphlet of regulations that directly affect foreigners, especially those staying here longterm. Our visitors represented the police stations of Wuhua District. But the 12 statutes below apply to any foreign person living in the city's four other districts — Chenggong, Guandu, Panlong and Xishan — as well as anywhere else in Yunnan province.

Police notice

1. A foreigner is obligated to report to the local police concerning his or her temporary residence in Yunnan within 24 hours of their arrival in an urban area. The length of time is 72 hours in rural areas. The same requirement also applies to those who are living in a rented or purchased apartment. Failure to register within the proper time to can result in a warning from the police and a fine not exceeding 2,000 yuan.

2. In case of any change to the information associated with foreigner's work permit — for example a change in name, occupation, identity, passport number, work unit or address — please report these changes to the local police within ten days. Failure to do so can result in a warning from the police and a fine not exceeding 2,000 yuan.

3. Do remember your visa expiration date in your passport. Any overstay is regarded as an illegal presence, and will face warnings from the police. In serious instances, each day of overstay will result in a fine of 500 yuan per day, totaling no more than 10,000 yuan, or detainment between five and 15 days.

4. A foreigner in China must always abide by Chinese law. Those who violate the law will be asked to leave the country earlier than the expiration date of their visa, or be disqualified from staying in China.

5. A foreigner working in China should have a work permit or work certification. Any work unit or private sector employer must not employ a foreigner without a proper work permit or certification. Any of the following cases is considered illegal employment:
A. Working in China without a legal work permit or certification.
B. Working in China beyond the expiration date of a legal work permit or certification.
C. Foreign students working in China beyond the scope of their work-study program in terms of position and time limitations.

Those found to be working illegally will be fined between 5,000 and 20,000 yuan, and for serious instances detention of five to 15 days in addition to the fine.

6. Prostitution, whoring, gambling, taking drugs and drug trafficking are illegal in China. Offenders will be asked to report to the relevant police station and participate in an investigation.

7. Gang-fighting, instigating quarrels, sexual harassment and assault, as well as damaging of public or private facilities are all illegal offenses punishable based on the severity of the act.

8. Article Number 15 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Penalties for Public Security states than an intoxicated person who violates the regulations concerning public security shall be penalized. An intoxicated person who poses a danger to himself/herself, or to others, will be restrained until they return to sobriety.

9. Article Number 58 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Penalties for Public Security regulates excessive noise and its affects on the normal lives of others. Offenders can face police warnings or fines between 200 and 500 yuan.

10. When leaving their place of residence, everyone should make sure their doors and windows are closed and utilities such as water, electricity, and gas are turned off to avoid any accidents.

11. Keep a close eye on your passport, ID card, student card, or driver's license when visiting supermarkets, going shopping or when in any crowded place. Always take care with your personal belongings.

12. Always remember these important telephone numbers in case of emergency:
Police: 110
Fire department: 119
Medical aid: 120
Traffic accidents: 122
Phone number directory: 114


Image: Sina

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Excellent summary - thank you. Now if only we could get other government departments related to life in Kunming and greater China - like the labor office, healthcare office, social insurance office, etc.

Pretty sure most foreigners already knew all of that, but it's good you post it, including with the official rates for infringement of the laws/regulations etc.

Well I certainly had no idea about No. 9.

@tiger: Bars and restaurants, especially ones with music.

Primarily their effect on nearby apartment dwellers, apparently.


Was that the actual wording in the PSB pamphlet, rather than "soliciting a prostitute"?

Do you think GoKunming would dare misquote the PSB?

I kind of read whoring as the customer having sex with whores, no matter how they are procured. This is a different crime to prostitution.

Soliciting is the prostitute offering sex to a customer, in exchange for money.

Edit - correction.. Whoring can be to act as a whore, or to consort with whores.

@michael2015 well said...

On topic, coincidentally Hainan Province just recently removed prostitution and gambling from illegality in push to open China's southern island to the world.

I guess Hainan might be a pilot scheme for licencing and taxing gambling and prostitution (speculation). If things are legalized, it can take them out of the hands of criminal enterprises.

Tiger, this 'news' appeared on GoKunming and nowhere else, and was written by someone who has only just opened an account. I'm sceptical to say the least.

Wow! Imagine holding the power to say who and where can provide gambling and prostitution in a country the size of China where people love gambling and whores

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