GoKunming Articles

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival from all of us at GoKunming!

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We here at GoKunming, like several hundred million other people, are looking forward to a week off for the double holiday. So, as we prepare to lock up the office and catch up on our rest, we'd like to wish all of our readers a wonderful Mid-Autumn Festival, just a few days early.

Typically only a one-day affair, the festival this year falls smack dab in the middle of the country's annual National Day festivities, which commemorate the founding of the People's Republic of China. This year marks the sixty-eighth anniversary. And while perhaps half a billion will climb aboard trains, buses, planes or into their own cars, the Communist Party leadership in Beijing is expected to put on an absolutely enormous parade.

As with any Golden Week, the travel rush will be intense, but here in Kunming, all government offices are expected to close between October 2 and 6. As penitence for all that time off, many people — both gongwuyuan and renmin — will have to work one of those oh-so-fun 'make-up' days on September 30.

Unlike during Spring Festival — when tens of thousands of Spring City residents head out of town for their ancestral homes and leave Kunming's roads blissfully bereft of traffic — Kunming is expecting a surge in tourism. Green Lake Park and other public spaces will undoubtedly be packed full of people, as will other tourist destinations around town.

The blog portion of GoKunming will take its cues from the government workers and be updated only sporadically over the next several days. However, our user forums and classifieds section will of course stay open for the business of finding jobs and apartments, selling second-hand stuff and endlessly discussing the nuances of Donald Trump's hair.

The community calendar is also rife with entertainment and dining options all through the National Day holiday, and we'll keep updating it as restaurants, cafes, bar and nightclubs announce new events. Already we've got anniversaries, polar bears, cricketers, curry, football, foosball, fishing, garden parties and an international dessert festival, among many others.

So stay up-to-date with us, gorge on your favorite flavor of mooncake, howl at the full moon and enjoy the vacation. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone!

Top image: Netease
Second image: HillmanWeb

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